(1) Donut x RedReader (M/F)

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Takes place in Blood Gulch

Comment any requests!



"It's lightish red!"


"For once me and Grif agree. It's totally pink dude."

I walked into my new base, wearing wine armor, and see three men in part civilian clothing, part armor standing around a fuscia helmet and arguing. "Uhm...am I interrupting something?" All three men turn to look at me with skeptical looks.

"Uh, that depends, who are you? Wait I don't care. Only question is what color is this helmet?" The man in tangerine orange pants and boots (Maybe they're on a break and that's why they aren't in full armor?) spoke while pointing at the helmet. I looked over at the men in maroon and fuchsia pants. They maroon one simply gave me a nod, and the fuschia one gave me a look of hope, he was probably the one arguing against its color even though it is a shade of pink. Hmm... he's actually kinda cute, I like the way his blonde hair flips over itself in the front.... Maybe I'll give him a hand.

"Well, first off my name's (Y/N) (L/N) and considering I'm a lighting technician in my civilian life and know how to tell apart different kinds of color," everyone seemed to stop for a moment, two of them having smug grins and the others face seemed to drop as if to anticipate what was coming. Well hey, let's just say I don't like seeing others sad, "... I'd say it's definitely a It's a lightish red."

The man with the pink armors eyes seemed to light up in happiness, though their may have been confusion mixed in it seemed to melt away as I smiled at him. I took a quick glance at the other two who seemed to be in a stunned silence.

They both put their armor back on and left grumbling something under their breath, leaving me and the handsome man in pink.

He gave me a shy smile and held out his hand before speaking in a cheerful voice, " I'm Private Franklin Donut, It's great to meet you! Thanks for helping me out back there by the way..."

I took his hand and looked him in the eye, "It was no problem at all Franklin, is it alright to call you Franklin? Or do you prefer Donut?" You couldn't help but smile at his light blue eyes.

A blush appeared on his cheeks as he pulled his hand away, "I forgot to ask...Why are you here by the way? Are you a medic or a new guy?" He seemed to say new guy with a bit of hope which made my smile bigger, "I'm a medic in the military and a new guy actually, Command said they got annoyed with the death and injury reports and sent me. Also said to help out the, what they call "Blue dumbasses" from time to time."

"That's great! How about I show you around?"

"I'd like that, after you."

---Le Mini Time Skip---

"Aaaaaaand this is my room! Sorry, but do you mind if I put on all my regular clothes real quick?" He seemed afraid to ask, "Sure, is it alright it I just sit on the bed?"

His face turns a shade that he can't deny as pink, " We-ell, sure, sure, yeah of course..." I turn and sit on the bed and take off my helmet, my hair getting a little messed up. I looked back over at Donut who had just taken off his boots and was just staring at me, " Like what you see?" I said with a smirk on my face.

He looks away and starts rubs the back of his neck, "no no, wait. I mean yes, I didn't mean to stare I just, I didn't know you'd be this handsome, I-i mean...shit."

I give him a smile as I get up from the bed and walk over to him.

I put both hands on his shoulders and looked him in the eyes, "Hey, it's okay, I didn't mean to be a dick. I, well, I actually don't think you look too bad yourself...You seem pretty cool too." I look down shyly and put my arms to my side, "Sorry about that..."

The next thing I know I feel two warm hands on both sides of my face and lips pressed against mine. My eyes were only open for a moment, all I needed to do was see his blonde hair and closed eyes before I closed mine and started kissing back.

We pulled apart for a moment, I noticed my hands on his hips and his fall to my shoulders. "So, I noticed another bed in this room, you mind sharing?" A smile creeped onto his face and he said "I think that'd be terrific," than gives me a peck on the lips.

"Let's go get your stuff" He takes my hand and we walk out of the room together.

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