(1) Maine x (M/F) M.O.I Reader

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Set on M.O.I

After Maine gets shot

Word Count : 1,665


---Your P.O.V.---

It's been awhile since I started working on the M.O.I. as an expert in A.I. development. I had made friends with a few of the freelancers, Agent York, North, and South. Though the others seemed to ignore me most of the time.

Though I'm about to start working with another, I was walking down the hall to head to our first meeting and starting reading his file. "Hmmm, Agent Maine. Got shot in the throat, can no longer speak for himself and is...wait.., he's getting Carolina's A.I.... Fuck."

I stopped walking. I know why the A.I.s were paired with certain people, how could the Director let Carolina give Sigma to Maine? His mental strength won't be enough to handle him, physical strength doesn't matter. Sigma will take advantage of his mental state after the accident. God Damnit. Well, I won't be able to change his mind since this is probably another one of his stupid human reaction to overwhelming stress experiment. Maybe I can at least convince Sig that it's in his best interest to let the quiet agent be for a while to repair so they can work TOGETHER at their full capacity.

I kept thinking to myself before realizing I was at the door to my office, I was a little late so Maine should be in there waiting. I took a breath and opened the door.

I saw the bald man in a while shirt and black shorts. The look at me, emotionless, but I swear I saw the twitch of a smile on his lips. God damn he was beautiful. His muscles shown, his eyes slightly clouded from lack of sleep (probably because of the new guy, but he still looked cute) and the way he presente himself was just...Attractive? I don't know...I shouldn't be thinking this was about a coworker.

I gave him a gentle smile before going to sit behind my desk and getting out two notepads and pull up Sigmas files before turning back to him.

"Thank you for taking the time to come and meet with me Agent Maine. I have several questions in which I want you to answer, I'll give you this notepad to write down your answers." He gave me half smile before taking the notepad and pen. "Sigma, would you come out here please?" The fragment came alive on my desk and smiled up at me. "Hello Dr. (L/N), It's good to see you again."

"You as well Sigma, now I want you to answer all my questions honestly. Also if you have any questions about any thoughts you here in Maine's head please feel free to say them aloud instead of communicating inside his head. This will reduce the pains in his head and I won't judge you Agent, this is a free and safe space." The man gave a grunt in response and Sigma simple nodded his head.

---Le Time Skip : One Hour In---

"Excuse me Doctor?"

"Yes Sigma? Do you have a Question?" I had noticed that his full attention wasn't on me, but he would continually glance at his Freelancer.

"Yes, but for my new companion. He seems to not be fully focused at the task at hand." I looked up to him and raise a brow at this remark. "Go ahead Sigma."

"Agent Maine?" He look up, "Why are your thoughts on Dr (L/N/)? You are also continuously using the phrase, and I quote 'Why do you have to be so damn cute'."

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