(1) Doc x (M/F) Reader

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Annoying to Adorable


A/N :

Back in Blood Gulch

Shortie for this one since writer's block exists. \_(*-*)_/


---Your P.O.V.---

"So I'm all set?"

"Yes ma'am! Perfect health, well except your wrm but you should be just fine!" God was he always so damn positive and of fucking course my arm wasn't okay. Around the time we called for the medic I broke my arm and had to make a sling myself. I kind of healed, but I don't know how to do this and he took months to show up!

At least the stupid physical evaluation was over.

I turned away and started to walk out when I heard an annoyingly delightful voice call me back.

"Hey! Where ya goin'? We still have the mental evaluation." Oh he'll sure as hell regret asking for a mental evaluation.

---Le 2 week Time Skip---

You know, Dufresne actually wasn't too bad. I mean I ripped into him a while back but as I get to know him he's actually pretty sweet. I mean he can be an idiot but who in this canyon wasn't.

He would do something stupid like cutting off Tuckers pinky after he cut it and I had to make sure Tucker didn't kill him for being stupid. Then I'd take Doc's aside and talk to him about not resorting to immediate amputation and he would apologize with those beautiful puppy dog eyes. Giving me a gentle smile and I couldn't help but forgive him and tell him that if he ever needed help I was there.

Damnit. He was too adorable to stay angry with.

"Hey (Y/N)! He did it again!" I heard Tucker yell from the other room, though he was weirdly calm...Not angered and distressed like he would normally be at Doc whenever he did something.

I decided that even if he was just being an ass then at least I may be able to still see Doc.

"Be there in a moment! Don't kill him!" I jumped out of bed and pulled up some grey sweats and a black t-shirt. Before running down the hall.

Though when I got there I wasn't greeted with a bloody Tucker and stupidly calm Doc. I saw Tucker snickering in the corner before making a hasty exit. Then I saw Doc in the middle of the room, holding a small flower that we saw the other week in the canyon while we were on a walk.

A sickly sweet smile graced my lips as he approached me. "(Y/N), I know we haven't known each other long...but I felt like I've really gotten to know you and I-I, uh, Iwouldbereallyhappyifyougooutwithme...." I eyed his exasperated and nervous expression. I had heard him even if he had spoken quickly. He started to fidget under my gaze as I pondered his words.

He opened his mouth to speak but was quickly silenced as I threw my arms to grip his shirt and pull him into a kiss. He froze for a moment before returns my kiss with the same amount of passion.

We pulled away after a moment, him still seeming nervous.

"So is that a yes?"

"Haha, it's a yes you dork."

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