P1 : Simmons x Red(F) Reader Short Story

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This takes place back in blood gulch

If you don't want the background just skip to your second P.O.V. and it makes for a small oneshot.

This one is very long because I decided to add in more of an introduction, background and detail. :) Honestly it became a shorty story amongst the ones shots. If you want it continued just Comment.

If you also don't like the every-so-often short stories just comment and I'll try to do less.


As you flew in the pelican you tried to remember why you were being transferred to the sim troopers outpost.

-Flash Back-

"They may have the incompetence we need, but they still need to be able to defend the Alpha. Do you understand that Spartan (L/N)?"

"Yes sir. I've made up my mind, I'll train the reds because of their engineering and mechanical potential. Though I'll alter the inner programming so it can't harm the Alpha."

"Good. Now, good luck Spartan."

-Back to Reality-

"Let's see..." I thought as I looked into their files.

"Dexter Grif, brother to Agent California (Though this information is unknown to him, good note to remember), he is narcissistic, lazy and unperceptive. It seems he has the potential to come up with legitimate plans if pushed far enough and can be quite logical if he isn't trying to be sarcastic or piss someone off. Kinda cute, too bad I don't like hawaiians. Pfft, Cali would kill me if she heard that. Hm, alright then. Next." He has certain potential, though he may take to long to train fully, I'll just try getting him better with his logical planning side.

"Sarge...Wait is that the only name listed? The Fuck? Uh, well whatever okay. Hm, he's extremely narcissistic, overly protective of his shotgun, good with putting together machines though horrible with programming them. Hates his fellow red Grif, seems to excited about killing his enemies? Welp. I guess I'll test his mechanic skills and try to help him with programming." So far they all seem sort of daft so far...

"Franklin Donut. Good with knives...but mainly in baking. Interior designer in his civilian life, good with gardening, and very feminine. Moderate intelligence and knowledge of everything. Not very observant... knows not how to conserve anything... energy, food or clothing? And lastly very optimistic and enthusiastic. Hm, not much but at least it's something. I can figure out what to work with him on later. I mean I'll be there long enough." I guess he's alright. Seems better then Grif at least. Semi-Cute, I don't really go for blondes either though.

"Lopez. Though he is not an official member of the red team, he is by far the most intelligent considering he is a UNSC robot used to help soldiers when there is excessive amounts of work and they need assistance in categories they may not be fluent in. He also only speaks in the spanish language, though he completely understands english. No other member of this team fluently speaks spanish and they have the ability to change his voice module to english, however whenever they are sent the chip they use it for another purpose before realising what it is." Welp. Good thing I know 4 languages. English, Spanish, Russian and Allmoniean(Alien Language I made up).

"Now for the last file...Dick Simmons... Very well educated, good with programming, not with mechanics, logical, devoted to his Sergeant Sarge. He appears to have issues with talking to females that are of equal rank or lower standing than he, sometimes higher depending on actions, continuously stutting. Huh, if he was a little more observant of his current situation and had more courage he could probably be leading his own troops in the real war by now. I'll work on that with him as well as look into his computer skills, I need to make sure he won't be able to hack the Alpha. Oh damn, he is pretty hot though, Maybe I'll take a swing at him." I like his light brown hair, he's intelligent, the only seemingly one who isn't a complete idiot, except he's bloody scared of women. Haha... wait what the hell am I doing, I have a job to do.

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