(Inseong) The Mess Called Inseong

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The sun was shining though the kitchen window, lighting the room brightly as a skinny but tall 10 year old made his way down the stairs, to the kitchen.

'It's Yoonie's birthday soon.' Inseong thought to himself. 'I'll make a cake for him!'

He dug out his mother's cookbook from the drawer and quickly flipped to the page with the instructions for cake.
Walking around the kitchen, he pulled out all the necessary items to bake.

"Bowl, spatula, tray..." he mumbled to no one in particular. "Now I just have to get the ingredients!"

After collecting everything, he washed his hands- being the smart boy that he is. "Okay let's do this!" He cheered to himself.

Carefully measuring the ingredients, he proceeded to cream the butter and sugar. Then, he mixed in the eggs. Finally, he mixed the flour and vanilla essence in.

He began pouring the mixture into the round tin and then he put on his oven mitts to take the cake over.

As he made his way, he slowly (and carefully) carried the mixture. However, he was more clumsy than he thought and he tripped up, causing the tin to fly out of his hands and pour its contents all over the kitchen floor.

"..." Complete, utter disappointment was written on his face as he stared at what was once Jaeyoon's birthday cake.

"Inseong is that you?" he heard his mother ask as she opened the door.
"What have you been doing?"

"...I was trying... to bake a cake... for... Yoonie." Inseong managed to find words to speak as he absentmindedly kept his gaze on the pool of cake batter.

"Oh Inseong, if you wanted to bake a cake you should have asked me!" His mother replied. "You know what? How about we clean this mess and then we can make Jaeyoon a nice, big jelly instead? You two like that right?" His mother suggested.

Inseong sighs but then smiles as he says "Ok."

Over the next hour, they made the jelly together and let it set in the fridge overnight as Jaeyoon was going to come over the next day.

At 4 in the afternoon (the next day), a loud knock echoed in the the house.

"I'll get it!" Inseong yelled as he sprinted down the staircase and flung the door open.
"Hi Yoonie!" He waved and hi-fived his friend.

"Hi Inseongie hyung!" Jaeyoon said back.

The two walked towards the kitchen as Inseong gestured Jaeyoon to sit at the table.

"Close your eyes Jaeyoon! You have to!" Inseong exclaimed.

"Ok." Was all he said.

Inseong then quickly opened the fridge and brought out the jelly.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Yoonie, happy birthday to you!" Inseong sang as he set the jelly on the table.

Jaeyoon stared at the jelly and then looked at Inseong, smiling with his canines showing.

"Thank you so much hyung! I love jelly so much!" Jaeyoon yelled and hugged Inseong.

The two then ate the jelly together and played video games afterwards- both resting with happy tummies.

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