(Dawon) Wonnie Money Money

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"Here you go Sanghyuk. Don't just buy candy okay?" His mother said as she rewarded him with £2.

It was finally the end of the week, and Sanghyuk's favourite time. He always got pocket money from his mom and like the good boy he is, he never just spent it on candy.

"And because you even cleaned your room without me asking this week, here's an extra £1."

Sanghyuk looked at it and thanked his mom as he accepted the money with glittery eyes.

"Thank you mom!" He bowed.

"No problem sweety." His mom replied as she ruffled his hair.

Afterwards, he immediately ran out towards the park where he would be meeting his friends. As expected, he was the remaining person to arrive.

Upon the realisation, be began sprinting as he didn't want to keep his friends waiting.

Consequently, the poor boy didn't focus on actually looking where he was going and he tripped on his own two feet. The money, which was held in his tiny hands, then went flying.

He nervously watched it fly into a drain on the roadside and was completely shocked by what just happened.

He was hoping to buy some candy as a treat for his hyungs and dongsaengs. He was hoping for them to flatter him for his efforts that week.

However, all that hard work went down the drain in seconds.


He looked up at his friends and realised that they hadn't seen what happened. He ran to hide behind the nearest pillar in the park and let his tears fall. The disappointment just built up more and more and a river of tears flowed out from him.

Sanghyuk cried for so long, the others realised that he hadn't come yet.

"Does anyone know where Hyukkie is?" Youngbin asked.

"No." They all answered.

"Well, I'll try to find him then, okay?"


Youngbin ran off in an attempt to find his cheeky dongsaeng, but what he didn't expect was to see him weeping a waterfall behind a pillar.



Sanghyuk looked up to the sound with puffy eyes to see Youngbin.

"Binnie hyung?"

"What's wrong?" Youngbin walked up to Sanghyuk and caressed the back of his head to comfort him.

Sanghyuk tried his best to stop hiccuping so he could speak.

"Money... m-m-my money... fell d-down the drain!" He cried.

Youngbin looked over at the drain his finger was pointed at.

"Aww Hyukkie it's just money. Don't worry about that." Youngbin reassured him.

"But mom gave me extra pocket money this week because I cleaned my room, and I was gonna buy everyone candy with it. But now I can't because it's gone!" He began tearing up again.

Youngbin then brought him into a comforting hug.

"You don't have to do that for us you know. We're all happy just having you with us. Now, if you want to be a really really good boy you have to stop crying. A strong boy never cries you know that right?"

Sanghyuk nodded.

"Good. Now let's go to where everyone is." Youngbin held Sanghyuk's hand and strolled back to the park.

Hi. This is the first a/n I've don't and if you have read all the chapters so far can I just say thank you so much😊. I wonder if any of you saw the pun because I think I laughed a bit too long over it😂.
I've run out of things to say now but have a nice day~~~

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