(Jaeyoon) Pretty Boy

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Jaeyoon sighed as his older sister clipped the nth bow into his hair.

"Aww Yoonie, you look so cute!" His sister cooed.

"Noona, I said no but you still forced me to do this!" He yelled.

"I can't help it. There's no one else to play with. And besides, you don't want me to tell mom you hit me yesterday, do you?" She blackmailed him.

"You wou-"

"Yeah, so be quiet and let me finish. I'm almost done anyway." His sister commanded and began putting on makeup.

10 minutes later~~~

"Finished!" She excalaimed.

"That took forever." Jaeyoon complained.

"Shush let me take pictures. Smile!"


"...I have an idea."


"Nothing much... how about this? Call the boys over and we can play a prank on them" she cheekily grinned at Jaeyoon.

He was excited to finally do something he liked, and of course it would make up for what his sister turned him into.

"Yeah! What's the plan?"

"Listen carefully..."

Jaeyoon called his eight friends over for a play date at his house, but little did they know...

At 4 o'clock, Inseong, Youngbin, Dawon, Rowoon, Zuho, Taeyang, Hwiyoung and Chani arrived. They knocked on the door and someone quickly came to open it.

They were all pumped up and energised to play at their best friends house but they saw something that was completely unexpected.

A young girl around their height stood in front of the door with long brown hair and pink cheeks. She wore a light blue dress with white hemming and a blue hairband with a flower.

This was Jaeyoon's time to shine. He channeled his concentration and prepared his high pitched 'girl' voice.


"Annyeonghaseo." 'She' bowed to the boys.

They were all shocked. The boys didn't expect a pretty girl to be standing there.

"Are you looking for Jaeyoon?" She asked.

They nodded in response but she replied "Oh he's not here today. But you can still come in."

Jaeyoon mentally snickered. The boys were totally falling for the prank.

They all walked in and bowed.

Chani, the smallest, held in a blush as he quietly said "Annyeong noona. I am Chani."

The others then followed, introducing themselves.

"Well, since Jaeyoon isn't here, you guys can just play in his room. My name is Jaehee." 'Jaehee' said and left the boys.

"I thought Jaeyoon invited us?" Said Inseong in an irritated voice.

"Yeah! Where could he have gone." Added Zuho.

"Guys let's not get angry. I'm sure Yoonie had a good reason." Youngbin counter-argued.

"That noona was very pretty though. Right?" Hwiyoung commented.

The boys agreed and went to Jaeyoon's room.

All eight of them then played at Jaeyoon's house and time passed by quite fast. 'Jaehee' came to Jaeyoon's room at six to call the boys for dinner.

"Unnie made the food for you guys since Mrs Lee is working late tonight." 'Jaehee' plainly stated.

Everyone sat down and ate, conversing, and occasionally bursting in laughter from jokes.

"So... where are you from Jaehee?" Inseong asked. "We've never seen you before."

Jaeyoon's sister then quickly butted in. "I'm looking after Jaehee for my friend today because she had a competition to go to."


After dinner ended, the boys went back to Jaeyoon's room, while Jaeyoon and his sister went to his sister's bedroom.

"Noona! We pranked them so good! Even Chani was blushing!" He burst out in laughter.

"Jaeyoon keep it down or they'll find out!" His sister whisper-screamed.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm not that loud."


The bedroom door opened to reveal a shocked Dawon at the door frame. His face went red as he realised it was Jaeyoon who he thought was the pretty girl.

"Jaeyoon hyung. Oh my god, you were Jaehee!"

Oh shoot.

"Guys! Guys! We've been pranked! He fooled us! Jaeyoon hyung is Jaehee!"

All the other seven boys ran in to see Jaeyoon dressed in girl clothes.

They all laughed.

"Jae-Jaeyoon hyung hahaha." Rowoon yelled.

"Y-yah guys let's forget this." Jaeyoon's face transformed into a crimson red.

"We totally fell for that prank hyung, but you! Dressed as a girl!" Taeyang said.

For the rest of the night, Jaeyoon returned to being... Jaeyoon and the guys laughed at him all night.

He wasn't quite sure if his prank had ended up successful or not.


There was definitely one benefit out of this.

Jaeyoon's sister practically had the best time of her life.

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