(Hwiyoung) Kickin'

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"Come on Kyunnie, we have to leave now!"

Youngkyun's mother was yelling at her son to hurry up since today was going to be his first kickboxing lesson. He previously had begged his mom to let him start learning the said sport, yet right now, he was the one who wasn't going to leave a very good first impression on the teacher.

"Coming!" The young boy practically screamed as he banged down the stairs, making it sound like their house was about to erupt.

Once he reached the bottom, he smoothly slipped on his shoes and looked up at his mom.

"Ready" he cheekily grinned as he looked up.

His mom then put her hand on his shoulder and looked into his eyes.
She sighed and then told him "Kyun, my child."

He looked absolutely horrified.

"I understand you want to be a good child and get to your first lesson on time, but it doesn't mean you have to destroy the house."

He took a large breath of relief when he realised his mother was only teasing him.

"Omma! Don't do that to me again!" He stomped on the floor.

His mom laughed loudly stating something about 'having fooled you good son'.

They hopped in the car and his mother started the engine.

"브르릉!" He yelled as he pretended to steer a wheel.

His mother just face palmed and drove off, not forgetting to mentally chuckle at her precious child.

Several minutes later, the pair arrived at the venue and walked in.

"Hello Kim seonsaengnim. This is my child Youngkyun."

"Ah yes, come child and meet your peers." The teacher gestures to the other eight boys.

Youngkyun looked at his mother for approval and once she nodded, he ran off- not forgetting to kiss his mother's cheek.

"Annyeonghaseo, My name is Kim Youngkyun." Introduced Youngkyun with a 90 degree bow.

"Hello, my name is Inseong and I'm the oldest." Answered a fox-like boy.

The other seven introduced themselves and Youngkyun quickly got along with them.

"Okay Youngkyun. Let's see what you can do." Stated a silver haired boy called Juho.

"Oh... okay..."

"Uh... do this."

Juho stood sideways with his hands in fists near his body. On the count of three, he brought up his right leg as he turned anti-clockwise, forming almost a 90 degree angle with his legs, forming a perfect side kick.

Youngkyun tried to imitate him and surprisingly, he did it very well.

"So..." said Juho. "Since you did this so well, we'll make you try it on one of us." He smirked.

Everyone looked at each other and eventually, a person was pushed out from the crowd.

An average height child stood in front of the crowd with wide eyes and black hair.

"Thanks for volunteering Sanghyuk!" The maknae Chani said.

"Don't get cocky with me! And it's HYUNG to you!" Sanghyuk screamed back.

They all laughed at him as he dragged his body to Youngkyun with dropped shoulders.

"Thanks hyung!" Youngkyun gleamed.

This made Sanghyuk smile a little as he took his position. He was so innocent.

Youngkyun set up his stance and was prepared to kick him. On the count of three, like Zuho did, he brought up his right leg.

Unfortunately, it was not high enough but he still had all the energy he had put into it.

So rather than him kicking Sanghyuk's butt, he hit his thigh's with lots of pressure, almost breaking his bones.

A piercing scream suddenly echoed in the room and everyone looked at Sanghyuk. He fell the the floor and curled into a ball.

Youngkyun, on the other hand, was on the verge of tears as he kept trying to call his hyung's name.

"Sanghyuk hyung I'm so sorry I-I didn't mean to-" he tried to help his hyung up.

"It's okay Youngkyun." A tall boy called Seokwoo reassured him. "He's just overreacting, that's how he is. Don't worry okay?" he patted his head.

"Okay." Youngkyun whispered.

Sanghyuk was practically fine and alive again within five minutes and the boys started their proper lesson, actually with the teacher.

Besides that note, I also wanted to ask would it be better if I put the member the story is about in the title of the chapter?

Last but not least, I hope you all have or have had a beautiful day!🌈⭐️

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