(SF9) Haunting Horror

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For @Cassinspirit ^^

It was 2 weeks into the summer holidays, and all the boys were absolutely pumped to go to the theme park. They had been waiting for this day since last year- after asking their parents. It took a lot of begging and completing chores, but it came with an amazing reward.

The nine families drove down to the country's largest theme park and were going to stay there for a few nights.

The boys were excited and jumpy the whole ride, continuously asking their parents 'Are we there yet?' which clearly would have got on anyone's nerves eventually.

Once the cars were parked, all the families grouped together. The parents thought that their children were responsible enough to navigate the area alone, especially with Inseong and Youngbin, so they allowed them to go on the rides that they wanted to go on without their guidance. The adults said that they would be sitting in the café if they needed them. The boys listened to what they said and set off.

They went on many rides ranging from adrenaline pumping rollercoasters to childish (but fun) carousels. Everyone went on the pirate ship ride, even though Jaeyoon and Chani were afraid to go on it. This was mainly due to the fact that they were forced by Youngbin.

Eventually, they only had enough time for one more activity and together, they voted for the haunted house. Not everyone agreed with the decision, but if they didn't go in they would get teased for being wimps. They all had too much pride to let that happen.

At the entrance, the worker let all nine of them into the house through the blood red curtains. It was pitch black inside and already, some were shaking.

Chani, the youngest, clung onto Youngbin's arm and shut his eyes tight, afraid of what would pop out. Sanghyuk was the least scared, so he led everyone in front.

Unexpectedly, a ghost jumped out from the left and was illuminated with a green light, causing all the boys to scream and jump. Youngkyun, specifically, made a screeching sound which resembled that of a dolphin. This made him hug his Taeyang hyung really tight and they continued walking through the house.

Juho almost lost his poor soul in the haunted house when a vampire suddenly dropped from the ceiling in from of his face. He was crying pools of tears into Seokwoo's shirt and Seokwoo was patting his back, trying to calm him down.

Inseong and Jaeyoon kept firm grips on each others' hand so that they wouldn't lose each other, yet they were the two that screamed the most- even when Inseong accidentally caught his leg on a piece of fabric.

A series of bugs, including cockroaches and spiders, made all the boys scream loudly and by the end, they were all practically hugging each other with tight grips, afraid that letting go of one person would mean they are forever lost in the never ending haunted house of horror.

They finally saw the exit, after what felt like an eternity, and a white hue welcomed them to the real world. None of them knew why they decided to go there in the first place, but they then knew not to go there again.

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