(Zuho) Fair Play

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The school concert was quickly approaching and all the children had to participate in it. Everyone was given a role by the teachers to play. Unfortunately, Juho wasn't the most coordinated child ever, yet he was given the role of playing the drums. This was risky because the drums were an important part of the band.

They practiced the music for two hours in the afternoon after lunch, every day for two weeks. When Juho first started playing, he was always playing it too late and this made all the other children annoyed at him because it didn't make anything sound right. It was evident that some of the children wanted to complain and tell him off but they refrained from doing that.

"One, two, thr-"


"Juho, you're playing it too early again." the teacher told him.

He apologised and the teacher continued the practice.

The two hours for Juho were very tough and he just abut managed to scrape through it. Once school finished, he ran out to his friends as fast as they could.

"Hi Juho! How was your class' practice?" Jaeyoon asked.

"It was okay." he lied.

For the rest of the week, he kept making the same mistakes.

"Juho, if you keep doing this, I can't let you play in the concert. You will have to sit this performance out." the teacher said with a sigh.

"No! I can do this!" Juho yelled.

"Then prove it to me, Juho! Practice over the weekend and then show me you mean it on Monday, okay?"

He smiled at her and nodded furiously.

During the weekend, he spent every spare minute practicing on boxes lying around with chopsticks. His friends also visited him and helped him a bit on Sunday.

Monday arrived faster than expected and the class practice time began. all the students were amazed when they heard Juho's playing. It had completely transformed. It was nothing like before. The teacher was beyond impressed that he had put all this effort into it.

Another week passed and the concert was about to begin. Juho felt very nervous but all the butterflies in his stomach disappeared when he began to play. He was very loud but it sounded so good that no one was complaining. He became the star of the show and was praised by a lot of the parents watching the concert, as well as his friends and teachers.

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