Chapter 1

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Like every morning I get up at four and go for a run in my human form. It helps me get ready for the day ahead. I run to my hide out I find a few years back. Its peaceful and it helps me get though my day. After a hour of just sitting and thinking I head back 'home'

By the time I get there it's a little after five and the Alpha and Luna, Jay and Lane, Beta, CJ and his son Jo were eating their breakfast and getting ready for their day. CJ already had Jo training. Jo is next in line to be Beta. Kane is not to happy about that.

Jo is not like Kane's group. They pick on those that are weaker then them or below them. Jo don't, he helps those in need listen to everyone of the pack members and can kick Kane ass in training. Everything he learn was from his dad. CJ is a good man as well. Helps those in need even in other packs. His mate/wife was killed in attack when Jo was about four. Ever since CJ took care of the pack and raise Jo the way he know his mate what him to. And he's doing a good job of it.

Jay and CJ were talking about pack business and Lane was talking to Jo about school.

"Hi guys." I said as I made my way to them. "Hi Khan how was your run?" Jo asked. Unlike the other's teens Jo talks to me. "It was good. Maybe one morning when your not training we can take a run together." "That sounds good." Everyone was talking about up coming events Kane and I birthday being one of them. Eighteen, the day we find our mates.

I have a feeling my mate is one of the people who hate me. Kane thinks its his whore of a girlfriend Stacy. Let's hope not. Lane already said Stacy wasn't going to be Luna. Not to many people in the pack like her. Hell they like me more then her. But can really say anything about it cause of Kane. Well Lane says enough for the whole pack of what she thinks of her.

But if I can pick who I want my mate to be out of this pack it would be either Carlos, his a friend of my and he has the biggest crush on me and he don't even try to hide it. Or even Jo his a sweet nice guy. And I think we can make some cute pups.

After eating I head to my room to shower and get ready for school. A month and half left and I'm out of here. I just hope if my mate is here don't mind that I'm going to college. I want to be a literature teacher. There nothing like losing yourself in a good book or even writing about the world around you. Sharing what you feel or what you see with other.

When I got done I made my way down stairs. Everyone was up and eating. Not paying them no mind I made my way out the door and to my car and drove to school.

School don't stared for another forty-five mins. But I like coming in early and helping the teachers that like me help them out with what ever they need help with. I may have a Omega rank in this pack, but I look like a Alpha like my dad. And when it comes to training all those who beat me up when I was younger, I kick their ass even Kane ass to.

After I was done helping I made my was to my first class, Miss. Lou. She was part of my pack and friend's with my mom. She has yet to find her mate. She asked Jay and Lane if she could go find her mate. They said yes, so this is her last year of teaching here. She even asked if I want to come with her before I stared college. I laugh and said 'I can't leave my mate to follow you around.' The bell rung to let everyone know school begin. Let the day begin.

After school I made my way home. Today all those who did sports had to stay after school. Thank you goddess. After I made it home I made my way to the training ground. CJ was training us this week. "Already now that everyone here we're going to be pair up. Since some had to stay after school there maybe three in a group." CJ said. He spilt us up in our pairs/group. I end up with Jo, Dan and Peter whom are good friends of my.

Dan and Peter are twins and are the next Gammas. Their dad didn't know which ones to pick so he let both have the title. Like Carlos dad, he head warrior he was going to give the title to Abby Carlos sister but she wanted to be a bodybuilder instead. And she scary as hell to. So Carlos is next in line. Even Jay and Lane did that with their kids. Kane is to be Alpha and AJ his twin sister and my awesome bad ass friend is second Alpha to make sure Kane don't fuck things up. So far all Kane does is boss people and AJ does all the other work.

"So who going to fight who?" Dan asked. "I'll take Pete and Khan can have you, how's that." Jo said. We all were for it. "So Khan how does it feel to be close to finding your mate?" Dan asked me also we sized each other up. "Its feel like it does any other time. But I have a feeling my mate is here. I feel a pull but I don't know to who. I just hope its not a girl." "Yeah man that would suck but knowing you, you will find a way to deal with it" "Yeah, I'm not going to reject my mate because of their sexual orientation. But I also what to be happy to be myself to." "Yeah, well less talk and more fighting." That's what we did for five hours.

By the time we were done everyone was home. As I was walking to my room for a shower before dinner I heard Kane and Stacy going at it. For some reason my heart hurt at the sound of them. I pick up my pasted and made it to my room.

When I made it down most were done eating and to where they head to. Carlos, Dan, Peter, Jo and AJ stayed sit. "Hey guys what are you still doing here?" "We waiting on you silly." Carlos said as I sat beside him. He laid his head on my shoulder. "Why?" I asked "So we can hang out" Peter said. "As nice as that sound I have some homework to get done." "Skip it. Your already super smart hell you should skip some training to. Man you almost killed me." Dan said. "Did not." I said back. We had a little fight over if I try to kill him or not. "But a fun as hang out with sound I can't. How about this weekend tho?" I asked. "Sounds good to me." AJ said. Everyone agreed this weekend is for us.

I finished my homework and looked at the time almost midnight. I know I'm not going to fall a sleep right always no matter how tried I am. A run sounds nice, Sully hasn't be out for a while. "What do you think Sully a run sound nice?" "Yes a run does sound nice." I walked out the back door and changed into my white wolf. "So were to you want to run to?" "I don't care." "Okay then" I stared running. We end up at my hiding place. "So are you happy that in a month and half we find our mate?" "Yes I am. I know he's going to the most handsome guy around." "What makes you think it's a guy?" "I'm a wolf I knows this thing." "Do you know who?" "I have a feeling but I don't want to say anything until I for sure." "Okay sound alright with me." We stayed and talk about everything.

It was a little after one when we made it back 'home' "Thank you for the run." "Anytime Sully. If you ever need a run for any reason like me know okay." "Well do. Night Khan." "Night Sully." I fall on my bed and was out like a light.

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