Chapter 13

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Vale and Lou came over for the night after the whole blow up. Vale told us once Ajax made it back home, he find Missy in his bed and that set him off. Not once when they hooked up he let her in his bed. He garb her and throw her out naked as the day she was born and told her to stay the hell away. Then called up her father and told him he find his other mate and if he sends his whore of a daughter again he would take over his pack faster then you can say full moon. Lets say Missy will never be seen again. Also come to find out both her mate reject her cause she sleep around while getting to know them.

Lou told us that she was pregnant, I guess that way Vale and Lou had this glow to them. I'm happy for her, wait for so long to find her mate. Taylor also had news. That Kane is his second mate. We already know but didn't say anything. Taylor was telling us that he asked to hang out and get to know each other. He has yet to give him a answer.

I can tell that Kane changed his ways after the whole birthday thing. I really hope things work out with Taylor and him. But I'm going to have a talk with Kane. Maybe I can help him at less get Taylor to hang out with him.

That's been a week now. I did text Kane telling him to meet me a the coffee shop. Which didn't surprise me when he said he would. I told him a date that I know Taylor will be working.

I was sitting there working on some school work. When Kane walked in, the look on Taylor face. "Hey Kane what are you doing, not that I'm telling you cant be here umm..." Taylor asked. "I'm here to see Khan." "Oh his in the back booth doing some school work. Ummm can I get you anything?" "I'll have a coffee black places." "Coming up." Then he walked away and Kane walked to me. "Okay why did you call me here?" "Just part of my plan that so far is working." He just looked at me until Taylor came with your coffee. "Here you coffee Kane is there anything else I can get for?" "You to hang out with this weekend." "Umm.. Well you see ... I" "He'll love to hang out with you this weekend." I answer for him. "Good I'll pick you up around seven." Kane said. "Okay" Taylor said and walk away not knowing what to say. "Okay tell me what's up?" "My plan worked. I knew the moment Taylor see you I know he would feel the pull and can't say no. Think of it as a nice push." "Thank you. Not to be nosy or anything but I heard what happen with Ajax and you, I'm sorry man. But I also heard you didn't reject him for say." Yeah that's true I didn't say I reject you. I guess that's something to think about. "No I didn't I guess I just need time to think." "Well what every you do I wish you luck. And you need someone to you can come to me. I know I'm not the best person and you have friends like my sister, but sometimes you just someone who doesn't know you that well to spill your guts out to." "Thanks I may take you up on that." "Just call see you around." See you"

Kane left and I went back my work, but he does have a point AJ and them know me to well and more then likely say Ajax is a ass and some other stuff and say he's my mate and blah blah. Whatever I decide I'll talk to Kane and maybe Taylor about it before I do anything. I turn to look at my friend to see him smiling like a crazy person. I remember looking and feeling that way. Heat beating so fast in your chest it felt like a bullet, have butterflies in your stomach that you think your going to be sick, but in a good way.

I was so into my work I didn't see a guy standing. "Hey is this sit taken?" He asked. "No." I said and he sat down. "Your in college?" He asked "Yeah my first year." "Oh the sucks, I just graduated and let me tell you it's the best feeling in the world to be out of there. Oh I'm Legend by the way." " I'm Khan, so what do you do now that your out of college?" "I work for my dad now. He runs some business and he wants me to take over when he steps down." "That's cool. I want to be a literature teacher." "That's something you don't hear everyday. Someone that still wants to be in school when they just got out." We laugh at that. "Yeah I just think teens now days are spending to much time on their phones, ipad and what's that they can enjoy a good book and get loss in it once in awhile. Instead is all about face book dram, snapchat, kik and other social medic that they forget there a world out there and books can take you to them." "Wow you really want to teach don't you?" "Yeah sorry its just something I really love but this day don't have time for myself, between school and work there not much time in a day."

By that point Taylor walked over to my table. "Ready to go Khan?" I look at my phone crap. "Yeah sorry I got loss taking to Legend I didn't see the time." "Its fine." Taylor said. "Hey maybe we can talk again sometime when your free?" "Yeah that sounds good." We gave each other our number and went our own ways. "He seems nice." Taylor said "Yeah he does." "So how are things going since the whole blow up?" "Its going. I talked to Kane and he help a little. I'm just going to take it one day at a time." I told him. I guess time can only tell. 

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