Chapter 8

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A shout out/ thank you to angeleyesgrn for voting.


You know that feeling you get when someone watching you, you turn to look around and there no one there. Well that feeling started happing to me on Monday. I was walk to the college and was like someone behind me, when I turn nothing. Even with my wolf hearing I didn't hear anyone.

Speaking of wolf I haven't had Sully out in a while. Maybe when visiting Jay and Lane, Taylor would like to go for a run. I'll ask him when I get home from work. Working on Saturdays it seems like the day never would end. But today sucks more one is only noon, two its raining, three I may have a crazy stalker or whatever you want to call it.

On a good note my tip jar is filling up with money and phone number, which I will never call. Maybe I should put gay/guys only under my name. Yeah that will go will.

After hours of coffee pouring phone number giving it was closing time. That means home and school work. Like always I walked to work not thinking it would rain, just my luck I guess. As I was locking the door I saw Taylor. "Hey man I figure you'll need a ride home." "You have no ideal how happy I am to see you. Yeah I could use a ride. The weather report didn't say anything about rain." And that's another thing that's be happing. The weather is messed up and other crazy things have been going on around here. AJ even called and asked about it. I guess all the packs, coven, fairies, and even the witches are having a meeting about it.

Like always the finger was pointed at the witches, but after they said it wasn't them, even the ones that do black magic the elders called for a meeting of the supernatural's that's not a good sign. That all she could tell me about the matter until they have the meeting. Which I guess is next week.

"You should know by now that things are not what they seem to be." Taylor said. "I should. Lets go I have a report to do and tomorrow we are having lunch with Lou and your brother and dinner with Jay and Lane. I was think maybe when were at Jay's we can let our wolves go for a run." "That's sounds like a ideal. My wolf hasn't been out since I've moved in with you."

Sunday morning and it stopped raining. Taylor and I got up around the same time with out reason. Its one of those you wake up and don't know why but you can't go back to sleep. So we stayed up and watch the new checked e-mails and finished up any school work we had. AJ text me reminding me of the dinner and that Kane would be there. It was about time to face him.

About ten we headed to the Blood Moon Pack land and my stomach filled with butterflies and Sully was going crazy. Great now my wolf going crazy. "Ajax is going to be having lunch with us. He wants to meet the person I'm living with. He already called Jay about you so now he wants to meet you face to face." "Its fine. I have nothing to hide." "I know. Are you all right you been moving since we pulled into pack land?" "I don't know Sully is going crazy for some reason." "Hey maybe your second mate is here." "Could be."

We pulled up to a big house. But I can tell it wasn't the pack house. "Who's house is this?" I asked. "This is the Beta house." I looked at him. "Yeah I forgot your pack don't do that. You see in the Blood Moon Pack you get houses not a floor to yourself. We have Alpha house, Beta house, Gamma house and a house for the head Warrior. Also the Warriors have their own house for their family. Omega have their own homes as well. There is a pack house for those who don't have mate and who are not a beta and such. We also have a meeting house where we hold meetings and parties if it rains." He was telling me all of this as we walked to the door.

He open the door and the smell of apples and sweet chocolate hit my nose. "Do you smell apples?" I asked Taylor. "No." Taylor said. "MATE, MATE!" Sully yelled and out of no where a guy about two or three inch taller then me step out. "Ajax this is.." Before Taylor could finish Ajax said "MATE!" In a deep animal voice. "On that note, VALE HELP" Taylor yell. Vale ran in "What?" "Ajax find his other mate and it Khan." "Why do I need to help for?" "I don't know I just didn't want to be alone with this two." "Come Tay." Vale grabbed Taylor and head to the kitchen.

Ajax and I head to the living room. "I'm sorry for my behavior back there." Ajax said. "Its fine. So you're the Alpha here?" Wow Khan smooth. "Yes I am. I'm going to say Taylor already told you a little about me. And you may not remember but we meet once. You where three I was eight at the time. Our fathers were having a meeting and our moms were talking. You were playing with your cousins and other pack kids. You saw me under a tree and walked to me and sat with me. You gave me one of your cookies you had and side ' Now we friends' but it more like 'frieas'." "I do remember that day. The other kids told me to stay away from you and try to pull me away, but you grabbed me and hugged me and told them I was yours and that you would protected me even from them, then you growl at them." He laugh a little. "I'll protected you." He said. We just look at each other. Vale walked in "Lunch" He said.

We walked to the kitchen and sat at the table. "So what were you two talking about in there that got you loss in each others eyes?" Vale asked. "The first time we meet." I said. "Oh yeah I remember that day. Ajax came home and was telling me a bout a cute boy who shared his cookies with him and said they were friends now. And some other kids try to take you away from him and he stopped it. After that you two played the rest of the day and when he had to leave you kissed him on the cheek. When he got home he told everyone he was going to marry you. Until his dad side he can only marry his mate. Ajax ran crying to his room saying he was going to make you his mate." Vale told us. Taylor stared laughing and Lou look aww at us. "I guess what they said if its meant to be it will find away or something like that. Cause you at you two now you find each other again." Lou said.

We did finally get to eat and Vale told us how Ajax has a picture of that day in his office. And how Hyde throw it in the trash one time when they first meet. That didn't go over to well with Ajax. Hyde go use to the fact Ajax had eyes for another, but haven't seen him years. "After he heard what happen to your pack and that you were staying at the Sky Lane Pack he called to see how you were." Vale said. Ajax look at him like shut up. "What its true. But here we are today now Ajax can stop asking if you find your other mate." Vale said. Before I could say anything my phone went off. It was AJ calling me.

I went outside to take her call. "Hey AJ what's up?" "Dinner is push back for next week. Something came up." "Its fine. I find my other mate." I told her. "That's great. Who is it?" "It Ajax." It was quiet then I heard. "Who's toping." From Carlos. "Carlos?" "Yeah, I forgive you. So who's topping or are you guys switching?" I laugh "We haven't made it that far Car." "When you do let me know here AJ. Hey Carlos want to say he forgives you so I gave him the phone and told the others the news." "Its fine. I better go before they send a search party." "K your house this weekend all of us and my brother wants to come if that's okay." "It fine later."

After hanging up I head back in. Everyone was in the living room. "AJ called and said dinner was pushed back. Something came up. And Carlos forgives us." I told Taylor. "Let me guess this weekend our place again. "Yep." I said. "I want to come." Ajax said. "Okay. Heads up Carlos going ask you who's topping?" Told him. Taylor spit what he was drink, Lou laughed and Vale look at me wired. "That's just Carlos for you." Lou said.

After hanging out a little long and getting Ajax number we head home. We watched some TV and ate the food Lou send with us. Night came around and we head to be. I layed there not able to fall a sleep when my phone ding. I had a text from Ajax.

" Just wanted to say good night and wish you sweet dreams and I can't wait to meet your friends."

"Good night to you to and they are a odd bunch. Also Kane will be there."

I don't know why I told him that. But I felt like he should know.

"That's fine as long he stays on his on side of the room."

"I'm sure he will. Night"


After talking to Ajax I fall a sleep.  

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