Chapter 11

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Leave your mark under my skin, Oh my how strong you are, And feast your eyes on my disdain, And hope this one won't scar, I will never belong to you, again, I will never belong to you, Push if you still need my pain, Cause I will never tell, And scream if you still hate my name, Cause I'll be where I fell- Seether Diseased


With everything happing I have not had time for myself. I spent a few days over at Ajax's and most of my stuff happen to make it way there with in a month, all thanks to Taylor. And dinner at Jay's was pushed back so many times Lane was about to blow up. But now that everything seems to be dying down some Lane has dinner plan.

That's where Ajax and I are heading to now with Taylor with us. The next day Ajax and Jay long with some more Alpha's have to head out of town to meet with the Elders. I guess the Elders have some news on what has been going on around here, but wont tell anyone yet. That means two days with out Ajax. We have been getting along great within the month.

Most would say that we're going fast, but those who are werewolves may say we're going to slow, either way we are taking at our own speed. We got to know each other and I stay at his place time to time. He been to my place once so I could pick up some stuff. Taylor was there and he just told me to move in with Ajax already. He just wants to get his Right on.

But I have been staying at my own place this last few days, school is a lot better now, work is long, and I haven't had a feeling of being watch since Keith told us about Drake being back. I do know that Ajax and Jay both have some Warriors watching me making sure Drake doesn't get to me. They think I wouldn't notice two new people at school or at work. But I haven't told them yet but Taylor may have hint about the two hot new guys at work.

We made it to Jay's in time to see Lane standing on the porch. "Its about time you guys made it here." Was the first thing she said to us. "Its good to see you to Lane." I told her. "Its good to see you to." She said as she got off the porch to hug me. After letting me go I heard AJ. "I've missed so much Khan." "I've missed you to pumpkin. This is Ajax. Ajax this is my best friend AJ. Were Zen?" "Its nice to meet you AJ." Ajax said. "Nice to meet you to Ajax. Zen had a family dinner of his own. His brother back in town." She said I can tell she want him there but she also knows family means a lot to Zen and he don't get to see his brother much. "Oh giving you a heads up Stacy here yeah." AJ told us.

We made it to the kitchen, Taylor said 'mate' and out popped Stacy saying the same thing going to Taylor. Taylor hide behind Ajax. "What is that?" He asked. Like always Stacy looked like she fell face first in to the make-up kit jumped in to a bottle of perfume and dress like she working the corner on main street. "I'm your mate." She said. "Like hell, I Taylor Black reject you Stacy what ever you last name is. Now be gone." Only Taylor could reject someone in that way. "But we are made for each other." Stacey told him. "So your going to use the same line on me that you used on Kane wow. How many other guys have you told that to. Better yet I don't want to know. Beside I'm gay." By that time he was standing beside me. "Your gay. How could I end up with a gay mate. I accept your reject you freak." She said. Kane walked in. "Kane we can be mate again. I first one is gay. So I reject him. We can be together." She said to him. Taylor looked at Stacey like she was a few fries short of a happy meal. "I told you before leave me alone we were never mates. I can believe I would ever think we were. Beside you showed your true self the night at my birthday, when I was got reject you went to Jason and fucked him so go to him and fuck him." Kane told her. "I can't he has a mate now. Most of the guy I fuck do and the others left." Wow would you really say to someone your trying to get with. By that time Lane stepped in. "Stacey I called you parents they are on their way. Get packed and leave this grounds you have be ban from this pack." Lane told her.

Stacey just ran out of there. "Thank god she left." Taylor said. He turn to go sit down when he ran into Kane. "Sorry I wasn't watching were I was going." Taylor told him. The old Kane would yell and beat the crap out of. But he didn't. "Its fine." He offer his hand to Taylor and helped him up. They way they acted you can tell they are each other, other mate. Kane looked my way. "I need to talk to Khan for a min."

I followed him out back. "I just want to say sorry for everything that I did to. And what I did to you on our birthday." "Its fine. It lead me to Ajax. Beside I don't think we were meant to be mates any ways. Unlike Taylor and you." "You saw that?" "Yea, take care of him. Heads up his a hand fully." I told him and laugh. "Yeah I can tell. I heard him reject Stacey." He said laughing as well. "We should head back in." He said.

Kane sat beside Taylor, I sat beside Ajax. Jay at the head and Lane at the other end with a sad looking AJ. I know the feeling about being after from your mate. At less she'll see hers tomorrow, my leaves tomorrow.

Dinner went well, Kane, Ajax and Jay talked about pack stuff, AJ Lane and I talked about my schooling and how the pack is doing and so on. Taylor sat beside Kane not saying a word but watching Kane as he talked. Kane has changed and I can tell Taylor good for him. Taylor fun and out going and Kane not so much.

Dinner was good but we all had to go home. Taylor and I had school and work tomorrow and Ajax and the others had to leave for the meeting. Ajax drove us home Taylor ran out of the car when it stooped in front of our place. We're still going to talk buddy. "I will text you when I get there and keep you up dated on what going on." Ajax said as he walked me to the door. "That would be nice. Be safe." "I will after all I have you to come back to." He said. When we made it to the door we looked at each other. I don't know who moved in first all I know is my back end up on my door and my mouth on Ajax in a heat kiss.

We pulled our mouths from each other. Wow my first kiss. "I should go before I end up taking you in the hall way." Ajax said. As he walked away I remember what he said the first night I stayed at his place. "Ajax I love you to." He turn around and looked at me. "The first night I stayed with you I heard what you said when you came to the room I was staying in." Before I knew it we were kissing again. A slow passion kiss not like a min ago. "I loved you the day I meet you and I still love you to this day." "And I love you. But you should go. The sooner the meeting over with the sooner we can do this more." Before he could say anything I ran in to my place and close the close. I could hear him laughing. "Babe you have just woke the beast. And if we do continue to do what we were doing the beast will get out. Night Love sweet dreams." I heard his foot steps going down the hall. That man going to be the death of me.

It was still early and I couldn't sleep so I stayed up and watched some TV when there was a knock on the door. I got up and looked it was Ajax with a bag in his hand. I open the door. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I remember something, I never got to spent the night with you at your place." He said. I open the door more for him to get in. "I was just watching TV. So you can watch with me or you can go a head to bed." I told him. "I'll put my bag in your room change and I'll be right back."

He came back in nothing but shorts that's it. "Like what you see?" He asked. With out thinking or turning away I said. "Yes." "Well its all for you." He said as he walked my way. By then TV was forgotten. He push me on back on the couch and straddle me. "We're not going to do anything tonight just make out some. And I know before you told me you don't like being looked down on. Baby I'm not looking down on you, I just like how you look under me." Then his mouth was on my.

We were in a heavy make out mouth on each other hands rub on each other's body, Since he didn't have a shirt on to begin with he took my off he said he want to feel my skin on his. I don know how long we were at it we stooped for air then his phone ring. He sat up in his knees and looked at it. He didn't say a work he just got up and went to the kitchen. All I could get was 'I can't' 'you better not' 'I told you already' 'no'. By the time he was done he was upset. He walked back in. "Who was that?" I asked. "None of your business. I'm going to bed." He said and walked off.

I gave him sometime to himself before going to bed myself. I crawled beside him since he was on his back and try to lay like we did when I stayed at his place, but his pushed me away and rolled over.

The next morning I woke up and he was gone. No note or nothing it was like he was never there. This is going to be a long two days.      

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