Chapter 16

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I wan to say thank you to @Forest_Green_31680 for voting thank you and I hope you enjoy


"Well Khan you can go home now just remember not to be fighting for a least a year." The doctor told me. After I woke up the doctor told what happen. He also told me I can not be fighting for at lest a year or I could end up paralyze. So for now I have crutches I have to use.

I also find out Ajax moved all my things to his place. He said 'A friend told me about Drake and his son planning a attacked, just don't know when so he wants me near by.' Taylor also had to move in with his brother for now. Kane make sure to call or text him to make sure he's okay.

Everyone one in the town is on high alert. No one is to be alone, everyone has to be home by ten or stay where their at. No parties well be happing until Drake is gone or if they feel it safe for everyone.

Ajax was the one to pick me up to take me to his house. I don't know why I couldn't stay here with Jay and them. The ride home was quiet. Which gave me time to think. About everything that has happen. I really need to talk to Ajax about everything, I think its time to move passed everything.

We made to his house before he made it out of the truck I stopped him. "I think its time for us to talk about everything." I told him. "Me to. How about we do that in the house?" He got out first and gave me my crutches. I followed him in. "So what do you want to stared first." He asked when he sat in the living room. "Missy." "So where this whole thing stared okay. When I meet her was when Hyde die. Which I'm sure Vale already told you most of this." "He did. He said she was more or less your bed buddy and you never took her in your bed." "That's true. My bed is meant for my mate's. its meant for you." I look at him. I know I slept in his bed with him before but we never did anything

We talked some more of what happen and what he find out. Hiss a Alpha and Miss father send her here along with her brother Denies to brake up everyone and that's when Legend was send in whom happens to be Drake son to try and mate me so he could get my powers. Which didn't go the way they want. Now they a planning for them to attacked. All the pack around are ready to fight if they have to. But for Hiss and his pack they are no where to be find.

After we talked I head to bed. You would think being in bed for a week or so I would want to get up and move around but I just want to sleep. With everything that has happen and going on I'm just tried.

Not long after I went to bed, I felt the bed dip and I know Ajax went to as well. With out thinking I rolled so I could lay on his cheats like I've done so many times before. "I sorry for everything." He said. "You didn't know all of this was going to happen." "I know but if I just told Missy to leave we would have been mate by now and maybe getting ready for our first pup, but I didn't." "You have to move passed that. I forgive you and we're together now so stop thinking about all of that or we can't move on and stared our new lives together if you keep living in the pass and the what if's." "Your right I have you back and that's all that matters. Good night love." "Good night Ajax." And we went to sleep.

I couldn't go back to school in fear I could move the wrong away or something so I'm doing online class and I had to give up my job and to come to find out Taylor and my place is already rent out. I didn't need it any ways. Even tho I kind did like that place. I guess we have to find a new place for movie night.

Taylor came over so he won't be alone. He to is taking online class. Taylor was talking about how the college more or less is a ghost town most are doing online class and some of the professor are doing their class over video. Until this whole war is over with. Safe then sorry I guess. We don't want those who had nothing to do with this blood on anyone's hands. He as talked about how his brother became one of those mates that have to know every five mins how Lou doing. He said Lou turn off her phone but he end up running to their place. Sounds like him.

I talk to the others to once in awhile but with everything going on they are busy. So I told them to call or text when they can and let me know what going on at their end of all of this.

Weeks went by and nothing no sign that Drake and his follows are even still here. But Alvah says they are their just hiding not very good from him tho. Yeah I'm friends with the devil son now. He's been going from pack to pack and giving them the load down of what's going on. You would think him being the devil son he would want this to happen so he could take over the world. Come to find out the devil don't really want to take over the world. Its more like this there can't love with out hate, there can't be good with evil. Alvah also thinks his father and God does this just so they can see each other. He even told how his father became a fallen angel.

I was sitting the living room with Alvah he was telling about his dad, when Taylor comes running in. "They are attacking they came out of no where." Alvah disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. I got up to go and help. "Khan no you can't the doctor told you can't fight for at least a year." "Taylor I'm not going to sit here and do nothing. You can come or stay but I'm going." I changed into my white wolf and ran to where the fight is happing. When I got there it was a blood bath.

I jumped right in. Jay saw me and told me the same thing Taylor did, whom fighting as well. So far Drake followers are falling. Well what I could see. And out of no where a black wolf jumped on my back. I know who it was Legend. "So nice to see you again Kahn, but shouldn't you be at home. After all you not suppose to be fight for at least a year. But I glad you came. I can finish what I stared." I know what he meant, I wasn't going to let that happen.

I ran at him and attacked. Bit at his legs and neck anywhere I could. I don't know how long we were fight all I know was I almost had him until one of his follows jumped me and I heard and felt a pop in my low back and I went down. I could move my back legs I couldn't even feel them any more.

"Now I can mate you like the bitch you are and once I done with you, I'll go find Ajax and take him back with us. That way he can watch me fuck you over and over again." I try moving but got no where. He went hind me and moved my legs a part. He was going to mate me in our wolf form. I just layed there thinking of Ajax and my life and what it could have been. When I heard Legend howl and pain I turn enough to see that Ajax was fighting him and when Legend went to jump at him he killed him.

After that I black out.

When I woke up I still couldn't feel my legs. The Doctor came in. "Khan I'm sorry to tell you this but you can no longer walk. I don't know if it long term or short term only time can tell." He told me. I know this could happen, but I just wanted to help. "I tell everyone your up." And he walked the door.

The door bused open and a bunch of people ran in. asking how am I doing do I need anything. Stuff like that. After I told them I was find. They told me what happen when I blacked out. They killed Drake and his follows they find Legend's mom and killed her. So we don't have to wore about them any more. They also find Hiss and his pack, the elders are dealing with them. After everyone was done and it was getting late Ajax carried me to our bed. And told me to do as the doctor say this time. I told him I will. I will be stuck here for a bit. That's fine.

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and there will be mating in it so if it suck sorry a head of time. After that I'm going to be working on the side stories until they are done. Which shouldn't take to long they're just going to be short stories five maybe ten chapters at the most, but we'll see.

Then Book 2 will be up and running.  

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