Chapter Twenty-nine pt.2

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"Let me go! I'm not finished with that bitch!" I yelled as Melissa carried me by my waist out of the massage area and into the dressing room.

"Robyn calm down." Melissa said.

"Fuck being calm! I wanna beat that hoe ass!" I was kicking and throwing my arms around and she still wouldn't let me go.

"She's not worth it Robyn. Just stop."

"Okay I'm calm. Can you put me down now?" I said after I stopped moving around.

"Are you sure you're calm?"


"You're not gonna go after Nicki if I let you go are you?"


"Pinky swear?"

"Yeah pinky swear now put me down." She let me go and I started to put my clothes back on.

"Hurry up so we can get out of here." Melissa said, putting her shirt over her head.

"I am hurrying." I slid my skirt on and put my jewelry in my purse before I grabbed Mel's hand and walked out of the spa. We pushed through the paps and made our way to my car before I drove off.

"What were you thinking Robyn?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. You shouldn't be fighting especially now that you're pregnant."

"I know that but that bitch disrespected me and I had to put her in her place."

"You shouldn't let what she's says get to you."

"But she called me a hoe and a baby killer. I wasn't gonna let her slide after she said that shit to me."

"It doesn't matter what she says because you know it's not true."


"But nothing Robyn. You know better."

"I know Mom." Melissa rolled her eyes and I giggled.

"You're laughing now but wait until you pop that devil child out and you have the break up their fights."

"My child wont be in any fights cuz she is gonna be an angel."

"Yeah right. That little girl is gonna come out swinging and throwing bottles."

"Shut up."

"I'm just saying."

"I saw him yesterday."

"Who? Aubrey?"



"I'll tell you in a second." I said as I drove into the drive way.

"Why didn't you take me home? You came and picked me up remember?"

"Yeah I remember and I'll take you home later. You're acting like I'm gonna hold you captive or some shit."

"You might." Melissa said before we got out the car and went into the house. I made myself comfortable on the couch and Mel sat down beside me.

"So where did you see Aubrey?" Melissa asked eagerly.

"He was at the doctor with Joseline when I went for my check up."

"And what happened?"

"I was fine at first and I was just gonna ignore them and leave but Aubrey started talking to me and you know Chris didn't like that."

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