It's Time♥

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"It's now 10am and I see nothing on results for this contest!" Julie yelled at ther computer. She repeatedly clicked the refresh icon as if it had an itch. "Are you for seri--." Something stopped her words dead in the tracks. "By demand and wonderful ideas from you girls, the winners will be visited by the boys at the winner's own house!" Julie read on and on. "They will arrive at your house anytime, the winners were picked and you have no idea who got picked!" Julie lost all hope at that point for some reason. "The boys will pick you up on their tour bus a day after they visit you to give you time to say your goodbyes and pack... oh and by the way, have a $1000 shooping spree the day before you leave! You definately need new clothes to ride with the boys in EUROPE!" Julie lifted her computer a little more off her lap and stared blanky at the computer. 


"Fiona! There's someone at the door for you!" Fiona's dad yelled up the stairs in a sing-song voice. I wondered why my dad was in such a good mood. I pulled on some jeans, a tank top, and ran down stairs. "What dad-- O. My. God." Was One Direction standing at my door or was I dreaming? I quicky pinched myself. "Now darling, don't hurt yourself" I heard Liam say. "Ok so this is real, uhm, uhm... AHHHH!" I threw myself at them for a second and hugged them so tight. I collected my emotions and settled down. By this time, my two brothers were standing behind me and yelling at me for yelling so loud and waking them up. "Shut up! Do you know who these guys are?!" I shouted. "No, and I don't care, I'm going back to bed." They said sounding irritated. "K bye." I said. "So I won?!" I turned away from my brothers and faced One Direction. "Yes, and we're happy it was you." Louis said and Fiona's dad gave him the most deadliest look his way. "Sorry, sir." Louis squeeled out. "Ok, darling, here's the money to go shopping, we'll pick you up tomorrow around 7am because our flight leaves at 10 and we need to pick up the other winners too." Harry said, while smiling at me. I took the check, said thank you and they were on their way out of my house.


I packed my new shirt with the England flag on it, and my new skinny jeans from Joes. I also bought things like accessories and jewelry that I gently put down in my suitcase. My mom printed my boarding pass for me so all I needed to do was get picked up by the boys... Well, that was tomorrow. "Taylor! I'm gonna miss you sooo much!" Taylor's little sister ran up to her and hugged her leg. "I'll miss you too baby sister!" She responded with a tight squeeze. "Mom, what time are they picking me up?" "Around 7 they said. But I want you ready by 6:30 so I'll get you up around... umm.. how about 5?" my mom said to me. "Yeah, that's fine." It was about 10 o'clock at night and I had to get some rest for tomorrow. I said goodnight and goodbye to my baby sister and my mom kissed my forehead and told me she'd wake me up in the morning. I went upstairs, thinking that I'm not going to be able to sleep now, but I'll try. I brushed my teeth, put my hair in a bun,  and washed my face. I plopped into my bed, pulled  the covers over myself and wished for a dream about tomorrow. I needed sleep so I started singing in my head 1D songs and it helped a little. Goodnight.


I woke up around 5 and my alarm clock shouted, "Get up Dana, get up Dana!" I hopped in the shower. I scrubbed my hair, and the rest of my body and strolled out with a towel around my body and a towel wrapped around my head. I made a run to my room to prepare for this dream-like day. I sat down at my vanity and toyed around with my make up tools. I decided I'm going to calm it down on the outfit and makeup because we're going to be on a plane. I picked up my eyeliner and began a masterpiece on my face. it was prim and proper, yet also saying, let's party, it was fun. That took about a half hour, because the in between times, I would day dream about today's events and evrything that ws going to go on. I skipped to my closet and yanked out an outfit I bought yesterday. I threw it on and began to pick out earring and spray myself with perfume. I got a little carried away, but who wouldn't get carried away for One Direction? I put my bag by the door while I sat and watched TV and charged my phone so I can fill my friends back home about what I'm doing over in Europe. I wish we were there longer...


"Hello, Lily! we're here!" I heard an adorable voice from my room. I jumped up and down at first so they wouldn't see me. I calmed myself down and strolled to the door and opened it. "Let me just grab my stuff." I said to them "Hello boys! Can I get a picture before you leave?" My mom pleaded the boys. "Sure." They looked around and reassured eachother. "Mooommm...." I groaned. "Honey, you're leaving for a WEEK! I need a picture, this is amazing!" I got my things, set them by the boys and I posed next to Liam and Harry. My mom snapped the picture and I froze for a second. I was just soaking in all this. This is so amazing and I'm so lucky this happened to me. "Ok, you got your stuff? Let's get to the other winner's houses and hit the roa- I mean sky!" Louis said as he raised his hands and yelled in excitement. "Bye honey I'll miss you, text and call me everyday, I love you and be safe, have a good time, and remember, I love you Lily." My mom said as a tear escaped her eye. "Mom, don't cry! I'll be back soon! I love you too! Mwah! Bye!" I shouted as I kissed my mom and Liam grabbed my hand to get on the bus. Hmm, I can get used to him holding my hand.


Ok so if your confused, Until they all meet eachother, one event will be described in one person's POV (which applies to everyone) and then the story will continue.

Thank you :) VOTE, FAN, and PLEASE COMMENT :)

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