Just The Beginning (Final Chapter)

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I sat down, folding my dress, underneath me as I sat on the blanket folded out with a picnic basket on it and some glasses with Coca-Cola in them.

"I know you don't drink, so I won't either." Niall said, lifting his glass, signaling for a toast.

I hoisted my glass with his and clinked it.

"Here's to seeing my love, in the future, sometime." Niall said, proudly and took a long sip out of his champagne glass. I did the same.

When Niall put the glass down, he quickly reached to open the picnic basket and pulled out some sandwiches and chips. "Sorry it's not so fancy, it's just last minute..." Niall apologized.

"Really? Because no one has done anything this nice for me... ever, so this is perfect." I said, taking the glass away from my lips and setting it next to my sandwich.

"Phew, that's good. Thanks for not being high maintenance." Niall took a deep breath.

"Really? I'm really easy-going." I said, looking at him as if he was crazy.

"Well, I have something for you..." Niall said, fishing in the basket. He pulled out a radio.

He popped in a CD and held out his hand to help me up. He bent down and pressed the play button.

The song, With You by Chris Brown began playing and I looked him dead in the eyes.

"What is this?" I said, a smile grew on my face slowly.

"Don't let me go, Fiona." Niall said, looking into my blue eyes with compassion.

Niall started singing along with the lyrics, "I know I care for you, you know that I'll be true, you knowthat I won't lie, you know that I will try, to be your everything."

It all suddenly hit me.

This boy loves me and I love him back, and I have to let go of him. What if he moves on? I know I won't, but he's a boy. I had all these bad thoughts in my head for some reason.

"Do you mean it?" I continued to sway with him and lied my head on his shoulder.

"Mean what?" He said.

"You love me." I said, quickly back at him.

"I mean it with all my heart." Niall said, spinning me in a circle.

My dress flared out and spun beautifully and Niall grabbed me back. He put his hands back on my waist, and mine back around his neck.

Being spun got me a bit dizzy, so I had a firm grip on Niall's shoulders now and we didn't spin, but rather swayed with the music playing in the background. I felt my world in slow motion.

"Niall, why'd you do this?" I finally asked what I have been dying to ask.

"Because seeing you is something that wasn't an option." Niall said, looking up at the sky.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Fiona, I don't know when I'll see you again... I just need you to believe in us." Niall said, now looking me deeply in the eyes and making sure I was focused only on the words escaping his lips.

I couldn't help but whimper a bit. "I believe." I said. Short and sweet, I thought.

The song ended and It about 4 P.M. and my dad said he'd pick me up for the airport at 5 P.M. so I had to rush a bit.

"Niall, I have to start getting ready..." I said, frowning.

"Ok, just save me your last kiss in England." Niall said, a cheeky smile growing on his face.

"Pinky promise!" I said and blew a kiss at him before going into the bus and got sweatpants and a t-shirt on. I got all my luggage together and set them by the door of the bus.

I walked outside to find my father in a rental car and my nine new friends around him.

"Fiona, I'll miss you so much! I promise I'll see you again! I promise!" Harry said, squeezing me tight.

"Girl, I'll see you back home! We'll definitely get together!" Taylor said, as Harry passed me to her for a hug.

Taylor passed me to Louis. "Fi-Fi, we'll be best friends forever! I just know it! I'm sure Niall will never forget you." 

Louis on to Julie. "Whatever you need, you have my number, twiiter, facebo-." She went on and on with all social media sites. "Oh, and my e-mail.  Love you! We'll keep in touch."

Julie passed me to Dana. "Bye, I hope all goes well with you and Niall, you're just so adorable." Dana said, hugging the air out of me.

Dana passed me to Zayn. "You changed Niall's life, Fiona, we'll find you." Zayn reassured me.

Zayn passed me to Liam. "We will definitely have a double date if we tour in the U.S. for sure!" Liam hugged me and passed me to Lily.

"Fiona, thanks for being there for me, and I was there for you. We will definitely be friends even after all of us leave this little dream of ours. Best of luck." Lily hugged me and squeezed me, but not too tight.

Now came Niall.

"Fiona, all I have to say is... Believe in me, and all will turn out as a fairy tale. I love you. Never, never forget that. You changed my life, and continue on everyday. Never leave my life." Niall said, not making a whimpering sound, but a small, diamond-like tear rolled down his face. That caused me to cry with him as he dug his head into my neck and I left tear marks on his shirt. He lifted my chin and kissed me gently. It was magic.

"Good-bye." I said to everyone, blowing a kiss at Niall and mouthing the words, "I love you" while opening the car door and sliding in the seat.

As the car sped off to the airport, Niall rammed his head into Liam's chest and burst into tears. I could see, but he thought I lost view of them. I mouthed the words one more time "I love you" out the window, knowing he couldn't see, but I wanted to do it so even if he did, he knew.

The car finally lost view of them and my dad began asking me questions about England and I just mumbled out short answers. 

What I didn't know, was that this was just the beginning.


Author's Note: Yes, this is the end of "This Can Only Go One Direction". But my friend and I will be beginning sequels to this story on our collaboration channel, @tea_and_irish_cream. This story took so much inspiration and I owe it all to my special friends, @saarahlovee, @katiehuterson8, @taylorcoughin, @1persephone and @kirstenreneeflood. They are wonderful friends to have and keep. This was an emotional journey, and it inspired me to write other One Direction fan fictions. Another one will be realeased soon on my profile, named, "The Journey To Find You, a Harry Styles Cinderella Story." So check that out too and thanks to all my lovely characters in this book. :) Thanks for reading :D

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