Just a Dream ♥

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The boys were so busy all the time, so busy that they had to drop us off at the hotel to go to the recording studio. So they opened the door to our room, and said, "Well don't kill each other." I smiled back at them. I realized that so many girls want to be me right now and that I should soak it up. "Oh, boys, we'll be fine. Just do what you have to do, and we'll hang out here and watch movies later!" Dana said to them. "Alrighty then, bye love!" Zayn said to Dana. Dana blushed a little and jumped on the bed screaming, "Guys, we're in England and with One Direction! You need to pep up!" We all looked at her and I decided to lay down for a while. I was so tired, I'm not used to getting up so early, not even for school!

So I fell on my bed, without even taking my sweatshirt off and actually fell fast asleep. While I was asleep, the girls told me they went downstairs and got food. They brought left overs for me because they didn't know what I liked, but I had a dream like no other.


I was sitting on my living room floor back home just sitting there for no apparent reason. Niall appeared out of the turning corner and looked at me and said, "What are you doing love?" I shrugged my shoulder seeming sad, which I didn't know why. Niall quickly came by, sitting across from me about a foot and a half from face to face. We both stopped talking for a moment and looked in each other's eyes. I stared deeply into his crystal blue eyes as if they were diamonds.

As I was about to talk, but didn't open my mouth, before and words escaped my mouth, I glimpsed at Niall and he was leaning in for a kiss. I paniced for a second because I've never had my first kiss before and I just got scared that I wasn't going to do it right. I mimicked his movements and leaned in my head towards him. He didn't kiss my lips, he rather teased me and first kissed my forehead, then my nose as I giggled, and then laughed for a second as he passed up my lips.

He planted a gentle kiss on my chin and by this time, I wasn't sure what was going to happen. I looked back up at him and our eyes met in the middle. He smiled and closed his eyes again and leaned in and gently kissed my lips. By this time, my heart was equivalent to a hummingbird's. I kissed back, but it wasn't a kiss that was "too forward" but a kiss that was meant to say, "I love you, never let me go." He released as I did too. "My heart is beating so fast." I said in a hushed tone. 

(End of Dream)

I woke up literally hitting my bed as I was still lying down saying under my breath, "It was a DREAM?! No, no, no, no... NO!" The other girls looked at me as they were eating pasta and playing cards at the dinner table. They looked at me, and slowly turned back around as I lifted myself up and was breathing heavily. I wanted him back. Not in the recording studio, but I want to be back in his arms. 

"Hey girls, what movie should we watch tonight?" Taylor said. "Let's watch Finding Nemo!" Julie said with excitement. "No that movie scares me when the big fish ate Nemo's mom!" Lily said as the focus was not on me any more. "Well, ya my little sister is too." Taylor said while giving her a look. "Whatever guys, I see how it is." Lily said. "Well think of it this way, if you get scared, Liam will hold you close!" Dana said. "This is true. Respect." Lily said while nodding her head. 

I was still recovering from my dream as I got up from the bed and went into the bathroom to see my horrendous face and it's messed up makeup. "ah, you need work." I said in the mirror.  I cleaned up the makeup on my face and grabbed my bag from my suitcase with my toiletries in it. I put on some eye shadow, mascara, and eye-liner, my usual routine for the day. I walked out of the bathroom, and I heated up some spaghetti from the girls and joined in their card game.

"Bull crap!" Lily shouted at Dana. "ugh, not again." We were playing bull crap, which is actually called (the bad words, not crap). I got my cards and joined in. I twirled the spaghetti on my spoon and got a twitter notification. It said that One Direction has a new tweet. I tapped my phone and it said, "Congratulations to the contest winners, and thanks for all the other entries! We will be spending a lot of time with them and we'll keep you guys updated with info! This tour is going to be AMAZAYN!" I laughed at the Zayn in amazing. 

Julie won the card game and we took the cards, put them away, and we all decided to unpack our things. There was a knock at the door. We all looked up as if we were dogs and a bone was being offered to us. We stumbled over each other to get the door and Dana got to it and opened it. We expected it to be the boys, but it was a worker and he had ice cream in his hands.

"What's this?" Lily said. "Compliments of the boys." he read off a card. The ice cream was Louis' favorite, Yorkshire Tea. "Thank you!" Julie said as she shut the door and we opened the ice cream tub and divided into different bowls. We forgot that the boys would be over in like two hours and we left all our stuff on the floor, food out, and cards scattered across the table. We finished our ice cream and we got up and Taylor started to pick her things up and throwing them in the drawers. 

We all followed her actions. Dana dusted, I vacuumed, Taylor cleaned up the food, Julie put the cards away, and Lily sat on the couch the whole time. It was about 6, (the time the boys said to expect them). We all sat on the couch as we were done and there was a knock on our door.

Hope you like it :)  1persephone was a BIG supporter and helper (She's Julie in the story) go fan her and everything! Don't forget the comment, VOTE, and fan :) Have a good day loves!

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