Let the Party Begin (Part II)

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We all sat down on our towels and I looked at everyone's plate. I realized that I had the most food on mine. Niall looked at me like I was crazy. "A little hungry there?" He said, shoving a spoonful of mashed potatoes. 

"Ahhh! Spoons!" Liam yelled and grabbed Lily by the waist, and rammed his head into her. "It's ok babe." Lily said while she stroked his hair. Louis reached for a remote by the side of the pool and pressed a button, slow music started playing.

Julie swayed with the beat of the music with Louis and they began singing in unison. The song they were singing and swaying to was called "Falling In Love In A Coffee Shop" by Landon Pigg. Louis held out his hand signaling for Julie to start dancing with him.

Julie got up and took his hand and for about 30 seconds we all swayed around them dancing and hummed the songs. Louis went to spin her around and ripped off her towel, pushing her into the pool. He continued to sing, "I think that possibly, maybe I've fallen for you", the same time the song sings it. 

"LOUIS! I'm gonna KILL you!" Julie yelling, trying her hardest not to smile and laugh. We were all kneeling poolside, still trying to process in our heads that Louis just pushed her in the pool. Louis apparently saw an opportunity...

Louis pushed us in the pool one by one. We all screamed at him and Harry reached over the pool and tried to pull down Louis' swimming shorts.

At the last moment, Louis pulled them back up before they fell to the ground. "Nice bum Boo-Bear!" Liam said. Louis' face turned tomato red.

Julie just couldn't stop smiling. It's not the fact that she saw his bum , but his smile was simply contagious. 

Louis jumped in the pool, landing on Harry, who caught him. "Guys, we should play marco polo!" Zayn said. We all agreed. "NOT IT!" Zayn yelled, and a chorus of yells following his. Liam's was unfortunately last.

"Aw guys, ok... 10...9...7...5...3...1... Imma comin!" Liam yelled as we scattered around the pool as quiet as possible.

"Aw you cheated!" Lily yelled out. "Now I know where you are darling!" Liam said back. But then Lily pinched my arm so I yelled and Liam thought I was her.

Liam swam towards me and grabbed my face and yelled, "LILY!" "Nope, try again." I said. "aww... poo." Liam said.

"I thought you KNEW where I was!" Lily shouted. "I do now!" Liam lept towards her and accidently grabbed her chest.

Everything in the world froze... I swear. But still, Liam's hand failed to move. Lily slowly grabbed his hand and tossed it to his side. "AHAHAHAHHAHAAH!" Taylor was laughing harder than I've seen and heard anyone before.

"I'm- so-uhm-sorry...-but-wait...sorry." Liam stuttered. "You are SO not sorry." Lily said in a quick response. Liam thought it would would make matters better if he closed his eyes and tried again.

He turned away from Lily and was now searching again. No one moved for a while and Liam just decided to quietly climb out of the pool and sit by the side with a sad expression on his face.

Lily swam over to Liam and put her head on her hands, lying on the edge of the pool. "It's OK. It was an accident... right?" She said with a tone of innocence.

"Ya, i sowweee." He said like a little kid. "It's ok, now come on back in the pool." Lily said back, whining a little. Liam hopped back in the pool and swept Lily off he feet and carried her in his arms.

"Da-da-dada!" Harry started singing the wedding anthem. Lily's face was red and she just smiled and Liam bent his neck down and kissed her.

"I didn't say kiss the bride yet!" Harry yelled at Liam. All the girls Ooo'ed and Ahhh'ed at them. When they pulled away, we all decided to get out of the pool.

Since our food was still sitting there, I cleaned it all up because the majority of us were done. 

"Hey guys, let's hang on the balcony!" Niall suggested. The night sky was absolutely beautiful and of course I wanted to go out there. Secretly, I was hoping for our first kiss. 

I think Lily was slightly embarassed because after we all got our pajamas on, she threw on an oversized cardigan over her tank top. I laughed to myself and walked out to meet Niall by the railing.

Zayn was pointing out stars to Dana, Louis was spitting down and trying to hit people, Harry and Taylor were just gazing into each other's eyes, Liam was kissing Lily as she was sitting on his lap in the chair next to the door. But Niall and I, we just stared at them for a while, wondering what was gonna happen next.

"Aren't the stars beautiful?" I said trying to break the awkwardness between us. "Ya, they are." But he kept staring at me. "I was talking about the stars." I said with a confused look on my face. 

"I wasn't." He said back, biting his lip and staring at mine. At this time, my heart's rate was equivalent to the speed it was at in my dream. "Oh, really?" I said back. Now that I'm on the same page as him, why not play hard to get?

"Yup." He said slowly picking up his eyes and meeting mine. Next thing I knew, he was closing his eyes and leaning in. It felt similar to my dream so I just thought, "just do what comes naturally" and that's exactly what I did. 

He held the bak of my neck as I leaned in and I pulled away for a second because I got a little scared. "What's wrong?" He whispered. Our foreheads were still pressed together and his hand remained on my neck as I was breathing heavily. "Nothing, I'm fine." I whispered back and pulled back into his lips.

This was my first kiss actually. I was waiting for my prince charming and I feel like he just handed me my glass slipper. I felt like I was a princess and he would never let me go. People made fun of me at school because I was 16 and never had my first kiss yet. The teasing was worth it.

We finally let go and he just looked me in the eyes for a second and just hugged me tighter than anyone has ever held me. I couldn't break the hug, so I just squeezed tighter and hoped for the best, whatever he was trying to do.

He meeped out the words, "you're the one." That just hit me like a ton of bricks. "The ONE." That is Niall Horan called me. All I'm thinking is being called Mrs. Horan by my little daughter's friends and what I'm gonna wear at my wedding, but most importantly, coming home everyday and seeing my love. I hope.

All this was flying through my mind. "I felt it." He said. "I felt sparks."

"I did too. I really did." I responded

"Ok Romeo and Juliet, we're gonna go inside and grab a couple of drinks. You comin?" Zayn said as he tapped Niall's shoulder.

"Ya we'll be there in a second man." He quickly responded.

"K, see ya inside, I'll pour you somthing." He said and walked away.

I was wondering why we didn't go inside. Niall took my hand and led me to the railing of the balcony and we put his hands on my hips and stood behind me as we could see the beautiful night sky filled with stars. 

"Fiona McKenzie Quinn, I need to ask you something." He said as he looked up at me and I could see his puppy-like eyes staring at me.

"Anything." I said as calmly as I could.

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