How Could You?

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I returned to the sofa with a Pepsi in my hand and some M&M's I shoveled into my mouth as I was walking to Niall. "That's so lady-like!" He said to me as I sat down and stuck my brown, chocolate coated tongue out at him. "Whatever, so what's on TV?" I said as I picked up the remote. "Hello, and good evening." A lady's voice came from the speakers. "So here is some breaking news. At a local Italian cuisine resturaunt, Vito's Pasta, was up in arms tonight." She continued on. "Guys, that's where Liam said he was taking Lily tonight!" Louis head shot up and he ran over to the TV with Julie trailing after him. 

"There was a reported 'food fight'. This is extremely suprising, because Vito's is such a nice resturaunt and such behavior like this was not to be tolerated." All eyes were now on the TV then all glancing at each other with our moths open, then back at the TV. Then we saw the handle on the door slowly screw open and Louis shielded himself with a pillow, then grabbed Julie and put her behind him. "Hi, guys, we're back!" Liam said as he and Lily walked in the room. All eyes were suddenly on them.

"But- the- uhm- how-...ugh." Harry muttered as he was pointing at the TV. "We know... it was crazy guys! You should've been there!" Lily said. We still stared at her because there was meat sauce and some noodles hanging from her dress and there was some bread in her hair. Liam had lettuce in his hair and tomato sauce splattered all over him too. "Well, we're gonna chill at the girl's place. We'll be back." Liam said as he set her purse down on the couch and followed Lily out of the boy's room and she opened the door and quickly shut it.

"Uhm guys, did that just happen?" Zayn said as he pointed at the door. "I don't know, man but if it did, I wish I was there!" Niall said. Louis plopped down on the couch next to me and we just started talking. In any normal conversation with Louis Tomlinson, who wouldn't laugh? Well I think Julie's defensive side came out. "Excuse me, Louis... I'm right here." She said with as much attitude you could fit in a sentence. "I know, love let me just finish this joke I was telling Fiona." He said while still laughing.

Julie crossed her arms across her chest and sat there sucking her teeth and making faces at me. Did she really think I'd steal Louis? About 5 minutes ago, they were kissing. I'm not that mean... or disgusting. Before I knew it, Julie walked over to Niall and sat herself down on his lap. I looked over and cocked my head with a dirty look wiped across my face.

"Hi, uhm Julie whatcha doin?" Niall said as he tried to push her off. Niall didn't care if I made friends with Louis, he would never steal me away from Niall, that'd break his little heart. "Oh, you're so funny, Niall!" Julie tried putting on an act. "Uhm Julie, he never said anything funny..." Taylor said to her. Julie shot her the dirtiest look I've ever seen. 

Then, when I looked back to Louis and tried to ignore her, Louis tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around. Louis got up and quickly walked back to his room. I was now wondering what happened! I looked over at Julie and not only was she sitting on his lap, but now her lips were intertwined in his. All I could do was run off to my room and sat in the bathroom. Tears were streaming down my face like bullets.

Not to mention the sounds that escaped my mouth as I was trying to muffle them with my hands and sweatshirt sleeves. I heard Lily come to the bathroom door. She knocked and said, "Hun, what happened?" She said with much concern. Before I could speak, I heard the door burst open. "Fiona! Darling! Love!" Niall's accented voice yelled out and waited for a response. "Go away!" I yelled back.

"She hates me, she hates me, I didn't even mean to, this is all a mistake." I heard over my sobs being repeated from Niall. "Lily?" I sqeeked out. "Yes, hun?" She responded quickly. "I'm so sorry for ruining you and Liam's moment... I really am." I said still forcing back more distorted sounds from escaping my mouth. "Oh, don't even worry about that! This seems pretty serious, whatever it is..." She sounded confused but definately not offended.

Lily and I's conversation might have been through a bathroom door, but I could tell that she cared. "I'm here for you." I heard her meep out. At that moment, it meant so much. Who knew 4 words could mean so much? I mean just 3 words can mean so much... You know, " I love you." I wiped my nose and ripped off a toilet paper to wipe the mascara from running down my face. I took an Advil because my head hurt from crying so much. I opened the door a crack and before i stepped out, I made sure no one but Lily saw me. "Hi." She said in a high voice. "it's okay, just go to your room. I'll just say you're still in there." Lily said. I didn't say it, but signaled a "thank-you" with my mouth. 

I scurried down the short hallway and to my room. I sat quietly on the bed, changed into sleep shorts and a tank top and tied my hair up into a messy bun. I crawled under the covers of my bed and just quietly wept myself to sleep. 

"Can I come in?" Niall's voice chimed from outside my door. It woke me up and startled me. " I don't care anymore..." I said as my voice cracked. He walked in, and slowly closing the door behind him. He sat next to me on my bed. I was under my covers and he was just sitting on top of them, so he didn't see how short my shorts were, thank God. "I just want to say that she kissed me." Niall said. I stayed silent for a while. A tear rolled down my cheek. "Love, please just talk to me. I want to know you're still there." He said as he rubbed my arm gently. "I'm here." I said in a high, pitchy, but almost silent voice.

"Darling, words cannot describe how sorry I am. This came onto me and I had no idea what was going on." He started on and on. "She saw you and Louis laughing and talking and got jealous." He finished and took a deep breath. I turned towards him and I realized it's the first time he saw me without make-up. "You look beautiful, Fiona." He said. "Stop trying to get off subject. I thought we had something, had a chance. She tore it up, spit on it, and threw in on the ground and stomped all over my heart. It's not just that easy." I said trying with all my heart not to break down again. "Babe, I know, now just get some sleep. I'll be here, all night if you need me. I'll be here when you wake and any time in the night." Niall said as he walked over to the couch and got himslef situated.

I was facinated by what he said. No other boy would do this for me. But what am I saying? I don't even know anymore. I stared at him, just sitting there. He slowly drifted off to sleep and he shut his eyes right before he fell asleep and he heavily closed his eyes and a small tear escaped those diamonds he calls eyes. 

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