In Your Arms ♥

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As I was still staring at Louis and Julie, I wished for the best, but I turned away and collided with two girls. They trampled me to the ground. "Harry! We love you!" They shouted repeatedly. "Are you ok?" Zayn picked me up. 

"They knocked me down, stepped on my hand and my leg. Let's hope I'm ok." I said back to him. I brushed myself off and ran at the girls.

I felt a hand on my shoulder hold me back. It was Lily. Lily was beginning to become my friend in this little dream. 

"Don't even think about it, Fiona. More drama we don't need." She said trying to clam me down. "But they knocked me down, I need to- ugh- just let me- eh whatever." I gave up. 

"Harry we loooove you! My name is Kirsten and this is my friend, Kirsten, we live for you guys." They bombarded Harry with questions and he tried to ignore them but answered a few which caused the girls to swoon even more at him.

One of the girls went for a hug and Taylor was FURIOUS. You could see it in her face. I underestimated  Taylor, because from then on, I wrote a reminder in my head to never mess with her. 

"Uhm hi, girls... Get off." Taylor tried to calm herself. "Uhm excuse me, who are YOU and who do you think you are?" Kirsten shot back. "Hi, hello, I'm Taylor and Harry is mine. I'm no obsessed fan, but I have the nerve to rip you apart." Taylor said in a calm voice and a big smile on her face.

Kirsten was a little intimidated, but Katie had the nerve to go up to Harry and kiss him on the cheek and put her number in his back pocket. 

"Harry, darling, what's that?" Taylor said and Harry reached in his pocket and pulled out the scrap of paper that had lipstick smeared on it and her phone number on it. Harry looked at it and for once, didn't care for it.

Taylor snatched it out of Harry's hands and ripped it into a million pieces. "Those are your chances with him, babe." She said as she blew the pieces in her face.

"Ooohh SNAP!" Louis said as he covered his mouth and snapped his fingers in a "Z" with the other. 

"Sorry, darling. Uhmm. buy our album. Here's an autograph. Bye." Harry had a warm heart and didn't want to lose fans so he signed a piece of paper and sent them off. 

The disappointed fans marched off with their heads hanging low. 

"Babe, why'd you do that?" Harry said as he faced Taylor. "Well, 1, no one messes with my baby, and 2, you're too good for them." She said with a smile.

"Alrighty then, why don't we all get on the bus now? I think everything's packed." Liam said with an arm around Lily. Lily laughed in a high tone and said, "Okay... he he"

It was adorable how love struck Lily was, I wish I had that, I just have a friend that kissed the one I've loved for 2 years now. Oh gosh, this bus ride will be DELIGHTFUL! I got my bag that had mustaches on it, it had my sunglasses, sunscreen, lip gloss, ipod, laptop, and everything else I'll need for the bus ride. 

Our first stop was The Little Theatre in Leicester, UK. I was really excited to get on the bus and experience what a band does in their spare time. I saw some videos of them on the bus, but they were only about three minutes. I'm guessing it takes longer than three minutes. Probably.

The Little Theatre was actually a LITTLE theatre it only seats 349. The tickets were a little bit more expensive and more exclusive, so many rich parents payed extra to meet the boys.

Entering this contest cost nothing (well except $3.99 for the magazine) and look where I am. Closer to the boys than any fan who payed $300 for a front row seat.

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