We Meet Again ♥

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As Louis was spinning Julie in circles while hugging her, my attention was drawn again to the two girls running at Harry.

"Harry, we're back for you!" Kirsten yelled putting her arms out and running into Harry's arms. Harry didn't hug back at first, but once again, he always has a soft spot for fans, so he hugged back eventually.

"Harry, we missed you!" Katie yelled out also trying to dive in for a hug.

"Hi, sweetheart, I'm sure you missed me too!" Taylor smiling, pushing Kirsten off, stepping in front of Harry, and Harry put his arms around Taylor's hips.

"Why is she still with you, Harry?" Kirsten said, pointing a finger up and down at Taylor. "The question is why are you and your stalker friend still here." Taylor said, making a stink face at the girls.

"Girls, girls, let's keep it clean!" Liam said, trying to step in between us and holding out his arms in between us.

"Liam, I wasn't looking for a fight, I was just looking for you, gorgeous, talented, beau-" Kirsten said, getting interrupted by Lily's hand waving fastly in front of her face.

"No, I think you were looking for my hand to meet your face, hun." Lily said, trying to stay calm.

"You know, whatever. You're not worth my time, uhm is it, Lily? Katie said

"Uhm, ya, that's my name. You girls will be hearing that name for a while, for all I'm concerned, ok?" Lily said, getting in their face.

"Oh, calm down, Curly." Kirsten said rolling her eyes at Lily.

"Hey, hey, hey, OFFENSIVE!" I said rolling my neck and pointing at my blonde, curly hair.

"Ya, me too..." Harry said, flipping his hair and making a frowning face at the ground.

"Oh, I didn't mean to offend you, Harry, you are simply amazing, but this girl over here she's just straight out crazy, right?" Kirsten said searching for responses.

"You're kidding me right? You girls are friken STALKING the boys, and us. You followed us around England, when I obviously told you to STEP OFF my man! You girls just don't get it, do you?" Taylor said almost screaming at them.

"Babe, calm down, they're just really big fans. Here, do you girls want an autograph?" Harry said, pulling a Sharpie out of his blazer.

"Sorry, Harry, we already have all of your autographs, we just want a kiss from you boys, then we'll leave you alone." Katie said with an evil smile growing on her face.

The boys and I decided to walk away and pretend to not have heard their last remark. The girls stomped away yelling, "You'll regret this!" at us.

We ignored them, and the boys went in the theater and they told us to go have fun in our car (just pretend it fits 5) and they gave us a map of our city. Julie grabbed it, kissed Louis on the cheek and skipped off and sat in the driver's set.

"I'm driving! I call it!" She yelling, slipping into the leather seat. We didn't mind her driving, because she just kept talking about the car, even before we got it.

We all hopped in the car and sped off. We decided to do a little shopping in a little town square.

"So where to?" Dana said, fumbling with the map, that was upside down.

"Well, first, put the map the right way." I said, flipping the map around. We all laughed around and picked out some stores on a main street.

"Let's stop to get tea!" Julie said, sounding very enthusiastic to drink what Brits drink. We all agreed and stopped by a nearby cafe. 

We walked in the door and a little chimey bell called out. It was Dana's phone. She whipped it out to see a text from Zayn.

Zayn: Babe, I'm sorry, Harry told me everything that happened last night and it was all a mistake because I was drunk as bloody hell and, well all of it was a huge mistake. Please forgive me.

Dana: I understand, I guess, things may not be he same between us anymore, because that'll always be in the back of my mind when your name pops up...

Zayn: Thanks, and I get it. I should've watched my drinking for the safety of you and my emotions and actions.

Dana: You don't have to give yourself a lecture about it, I'm upset, and sadly, not much will change that.

Zayn: Ok, I'm sorry you feel that way. I have to do a sound check, I'll talk to you tonight on the bus. Bye, and you'll be on my mind all night.

Dana: Bye.

"Who was that?" Taylor said, eyeing Dana's phone as she put it away.

"Just Zayn, no big deal." Dana said, looking down and swallowing hard and walking into the bathroom.

Taylor looked around, wondering of anyone else saw that. We decided that Dana wanted to be alone at the moment, so we let her be. Who knows, maybe she actually went to the bathroom to use it, you never know.

We ordered out tea, and got Dana a plain tea, so she could add whatever she wanted later, when she felt better. When we sat down with our steaming tea, everyone voted that I should go check on Dana. So I got up and strolled into the bathrom.

"Dana?" I called out, searching for a response by staring at the stalls.

"Ya, what's up?" I heard someone call out. We were the only ones in the bathroom, so our conversation couldn't have been heard by other people. I could hear Dana clear her throat and sniffle a little before she talked.

"Dana, what's going on with Zayn?" I decided to cut to the chase.

She slid her phone under the stall, it was unlocked and the screen displayed their text messages. I read them and slid the phone back under the door and knocked.

"Dana, we got you tea, let's talk about this with the girls." I said in a calm voice.

"I don't know, Fiona." She said, sounding timid.

"It's ok, just open the door, step out, and we'll walk togther to the table." I said looking around the nicely decorated bathroom.

Dana unlocked the stall, and walked out and walked quickly to the mirror above the sink. Her mascara and eye liner was smeared down her face.

I handed her a makeup wipe from my huge purse, she took it and wiped her face until it looked as if nothing ever happened.

We walked together out of the bathroom and sat down. All eyes were on us, obviously, they all wanted details about what was wrong.

"So, how's the tea?" I asked everyone, changing the subject and winking at Dana for saving her butt.

I got various responses, like, "good, ok, exellent, great" all muffled together in harmony. We carried on in a different subject and as we finished our tea, we walked out, and hopped back in the car, and mapped out our day plans.

As I set the map down, I got a text from Niall.... 

Lol, sorry about the random picture, it was just TOO adorable to ignore :) love ya Hazza <3

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