Well, Tonight Was... Interesting ♥

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Niall looked deeply in my eyes and I could see them sparkling. 

"Fiona Quinn McKenzie..." He breathed out

 "Yes, Niall Horan." I repeated back to him.

"Would you do me the honor of being you're number one man, being the one you come to with troubles, and to love?" He said with a slight stutter.

"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" I said as a shy smile grew on my face.

"Indeed I am, love." He replied with a smile

"Then, yes." I said as I threw myself at him with a hug. 

He hugged back and he just could not stop smiling and giggling at nothing at all. I looked back at him and stared deeply into his eyes, and him in mine. Before I knew it, his lips were pressed against mine.

He let go and just giggled even more. He grabbed my hand and we walked into the living room together, hand in hand.

"So what went down out there?" Zayn said. He was probably wondering about Niall's laughing.

"Oh, nothing much, but Niall's my new boyfriend." I said scratching my curly hair and biting my lip and Lily ran over to me and tackled me with a hug.

"O my gosh! Congrats! We're band girl friends! This is so exciting! Besties!!" She was almost screaming at me. I tried to shut out how loud she was but it was hard since she was right next to my ear.

"Ay man, nice!" Liam said while patting his back. Niall shared "man hugs" with all the boys.

Zayn handed Niall a drink, and from there, it all went downhill.

"You girls want something?" Zayn said with an obvious sign of the alcohol kicking in. "No, we can't drink..." Taylor said raising her eyebrows at Zayn and walking off and sat on Harry's lap to go tell him. 

"What a snitch, right girls?" Zayn said. "I think you should stop now, babe." Dana said, trying to take his drink away from his hands.

"Babe, what are you doing?" He snatched it back out of his hands and spilling some on the ground.  "Oh no." He said, staring at the small puddle on the ground. He walked away without picking it up. 

"He isn't so nice when he's drunk apparently..." Dana said, putting her head down with a frown on her face. "It's ok, he'll get better tomorrow." Taylor reassured Dana.

"Yeah, ok." She said, with so much doubt in her voice. 

I turned away, with my Pepsi in hand, and walked towards Julie shuffling in my fuzzy slippers. I pulled her to the side.

"Sorry, Louis, can I talk to Julie?" I asked while pulling on Julie's  sleeve. "Ya, sure, just bring her back, I'll miss her too much." He said while kissing her cheek.

"Alrighty!" I said, acting all jumpy-like. "Julie, let me just say that Louis and you are just simply ADORABLE!" I said waving my free hand in the air.

"Thanks, Fiona." She said, not sounding too excited to hear that. "What's wrong?" I asked, sounding confused.

"Come 'ere." He whispered as she pulled me into a small nitch in the room.

She began to whisper in my ear, "Louis asked me out a couple hours ago. We're together." She said. Surprisingly calm.

"ARE YOU SERIO--!" I tried yelling out before Julie's hand was slapped across my mouth as muffled screams escaped the spaces in between her fingers.

She let go of my mouth and I wiped my lips because they now tasted like hand sanitizer she had on her hands. "Ok, so lemme get this straight... Louis and you are like, boyfriend and girlfriend?" I said sounding a bit confused, but mostly excited.

"Yup." A smile ran across her face. "But be quiet about it. I promised." She said quickly. 

"No problem, my lips are sealed." I said while imitating a zipper across my lips.

"Hey, look over there, what's going on?" Julie said pointing at Taylor in Zayn's arms.

We walked a little closer so we could hear what was going on. 

"Come on, Harry won't see!" Zayn said trying to kiss Taylor. He was pulling her closer to his face and she just kept squirming out of his arms.

"Zayn, stop! I don't like you like this!" She cried out. Harry quickly heard and came running from across the living room.

All eyes were now on Zayn and Harry.

"Ay, man what do you think you're doing?" Harry said, with an angry expression written all over his face.

"Hey, Harry, Taylor loves me more, she said so." Zayn slurred his words.

"Harry, I never said that, I promise you, Zayn's just really, really drunk!" Taylor said, searching for Harry to grab on to.

"I know, darling. Now Zayn, get you're hands off Taylor, or this is not going to be pretty." Harry said staring into Zayn's eyes.

"I don't know man, she's quite a catch." Zayn said, pointing at Taylor.

"That's it!" Harry said, grabbing Taylor's arm and flinging her at me to hold her so she doesn't get hurt.

Harry shoved Zayn on the couch and Zayn just lied there like a flimsy rag doll. Harry thought it wasn't worth it to fight it out, so he took Taylor by the hand and directed her out the door.

Dana began to cry, walking up to Zayn and slapped his unconscious face, which left a "5 star" on his left cheek.

Julie and I were watching this all go down like a ping pong game. Back and forth the argument went. After Harry left the room with Taylor, we looked at each other, not knowing what to do. Julie went over to Zayn to see if he was OK. I went into Dana's room to go check on her.

"Dana, are you in there?" I said in a calming voice while knocking lightly on the door.

"Just go away." She said back. I walked away, and wrote something on a piece of paper and slid it under the door. "Let me know if you change your mind."

(Paper:) I know what you're going through, it was similar for me. -Fiona P.S. You can talk to me about anything, your secrets are safe with me. I promise.

I saw from under the door that she had picked up the piece of paper, then a moment of complete silence, then more sobbing.

"Fiona, come over here!" Niall said peeping out the peep-hole in the hotel door.

"What, babe?" I said walking over to the door and I put my eye to the peeper.

"O, my gosh...." I said. Harry had Taylor pinned on the wall, kissing.

"I think they made up." Niall said, looking at me and raising his eyebrows.

"I think they just made out." I said with a wide-eyed expression. We both laughed and I said I had to check on Zayn and I tipped toed up to kiss him. I walked away to the couch.

"He's coming back." Louis said waving a hankerchief in Zayn's face.

Zayn woke up. "Why does my face feel hot and it stings? And my head, Oh, it hurts so bad!" He said first clenched his cheek, then his forehead.

"You were kinda hitting on Taylor and Harry pushed you down, and walked out, and Dana slapped you full out across the face." I said as fast as possible, hoping he missed some of it.

"I must've hurt her really bad." Zayn said. My plan of him not catching on to all my words failed.

"Was I drunk?" He questioned.

"Yeah, mate... Really.. a lot." Louis said, pausing between each word.

"Alright, I'm gonna try to get some rest. How late is it?" Zayn said, still clenching his forehead, walking to Dana's room.

"Whoa, there, you are NOT sleeping there tonight, you can sleep in our room, we can sleep on the couch." Louis said, grabbing Zayn's shoulders and redirecting him to Louis' and Julie's room. 

Zayn entered Louis' room and immediately fell fast asleep.

"Well, tonight was..... interesting." Niall said, as we all slouched on the couch, put a movie on, and his arm was now around me.

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