Forgive & Forget ♥

872 11 3

I was still lying in bed and was woken up by the smell of pancakes and bacon. I was extremely hungry since I went to bed around 8:30.

I slowly rose from my bed and slipped my feet into slippers and put a sweater on. I walked down the small hall to the kitchen and saw that no one was home except Niall was still in my hotel room.

"Goodmorning, Love." Niall said with huge smile on his face. I looked hideous so I just tried to hide my face and sat down at the table. "Morning. Where is everyone else?"I said in a melancoly voice.

"Oh, they're packing up stuff for the beginning of the tour we leave for tonight. I thought I'd stay home, you were sleeping and you looked so peaceful." That's kinda creepy he was watching me sleep, I thought for a second. 

I was still in a bad mood from yesterday, but then thought of how Niall reacted and realized at that moment how caring he was. "Well, what time are we leaving today?"

I said as he set down a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of me. "I think the boys said around 3, or something." Niall said while tapping his lips. I was starving, and I didn't want him to feel worse than he already is, so I ate the food, and it was wonderful.

I looked at the clock and it was already 11!

I stuffed what was left of the breakfast in my mouth as Niall stood in amazement. I stood up, still chewing bacon, pushed in my chair, and took my dirty plate to the sink. I rinsed it and put it in the dish washer.

I quickly turned around and caught Niall looking at my butt. "Um, hey, I'm up here..." I said awkwardly. He shood his head and blinked fast as if I hadn't seen anything at all.  I shook my head at his stupidity.

"i"m gonna hop in the shower and do everything a girl does to look presentable." I said as I waved back at him and strutted off into the bathroom.

"Ok! I'll be in my hotel room!" Niall yelled back. I undressed and walked in the shower. It's weird, but I think the hardest in the shower.

I thought to myself, should I really forgive him? Then I thought and forgot that he never even kissed her, she kissed him and Julie is the one I should be mad at. Then I thought about what I was gonna do about Julie, I'm gonna be on a tour bus with her for 7 days, what now?

I shaved my legs, rinsed my body and stepped out of the shower. I wrapped my hair in a towel, put on my robe and ran to my room and shut the door. It was now 11:30.

I heard the door open. "hello?" I yelled out, waiting for a response. "It's just us, Fiona!" Lily's voice calmed me down. She walked in with the other 3 girls behind her. They all sat on the couch and I heard the T V switch on and a computer's start-up sound.

I didn't rush to get ready because we had a lot of time to kill. But then I thought of packing and everything and that got me paranoid. I pulled out an outfit from my suitcase and it was really cute.

I thought playing russian roulette in my bag would be a bad idea, but so far, it hasn't gone too bad. I pulled out some clothes, lyed them on my bed and hoped for the best.

I stared at the set for a while, then put them on. I was satisfied with my results. I twirled in my mirror, expirimenting at which angle looked the best. Wow, I sound concided.

After I was done admiring myself.... I sat down at my mirror, pulled close my makeup bag. Some creative eye shadow never hurt anyone, right?

I swiped across my face as if there were no tomorrow. I put my brushes, mascara, and lip gloss down and looked at the finishing product.

I nodded my head at myself in the mirror saying, "I approve." In a quiet voice."

 I unwrapped my hair and brushed my hair and let it curl up while I put it in a bun. I then walked out of my room and twirled in a circle in front of the girls.

"How lovely!" Dana said. "So cute! Taylor said. "You look adorable." Lily said. "Cute." Julie said with irritation in her voice. I sat down and opened my laptop. I looked at my twiiter. "Great, more death threats." I muttered under my breath.

I scrolled throught page after page of, "go die." "They have to pretend to like you." It didn't really effect me, haters... brush em off. Then I saw a tweet from Niall. He must've forgotten he was following me.

"I'm just sorry. Simple as that." I read that and squinted my eyes at it. It seemed as if he was confused that I didn't forgive him yet. In the shower, when I was thinking if I should forgive Julie, I decided I should. 

I signed off twitter and put my laptop next to me on the couch, closed. "Julie, what happened yesterday? I'm just wondering,I don't want to fight." Julie slowly turned her head towards me.

"Fiona, I just want to say I'm sorry. I felt so bad yesterday. My emotions came out because I got jealous. I talked to Louis and he's still upset with me." She said. I was extremely surprised. I thought her response would insult me, or even Niall.

"I'm sorry that Louis is still upset, but I now understand what went down last night and even though I'm torn, I will manage to forgive you. I'll try to talk to Louis for you." I said to Julie

"Thanks, it means a lot. I'm just really protective of some people." Julie said trying to hide a small giggle. I don't know why, but I couldn't stay mad at her. I should hold a grudge, but I won't.

"You look very nice, Julie by the way, and all you girls look wonderful!" My mood changed jurassicly as eveyone was good with each other. Let's just hope it stays that way. 

"So what time do you wanna go meet the boys?" Taylor said eagerly jumping in her seat. "Well we leave at 3 and it's about 12:30 so.... let's say about 2?" Lily said. "Oh, my God! I forgot! LILY! How was your date?!" I said practically screaming at her.

"It was wonderful, do you want to know all of it?" Lily said. We all nodded our heads and gave her full attention. "Ok, so this is how it went. He picked me up and we went off to Vito's and he pulled my chair out for me and we talked a long time. I'm not even sure what we talked about. But then a meatball skinned my head. I looked in the corner and a food fight was going on so we joined in! It was so much fun!" She had our full attention now.

"Then, before even calling a cab, it started raining. I was telling him that we should get shelter or something like a taxi, but instead.... He kissed me in the rain!" All of us started squeeling because that was every girl's dream. 

"After that, we got a taxi, and got back to the boy's room and saw you guys, after that, our date was over because of the drama. But that's okay as long as we're ok now." Lily said.

"Oh, and one tiny detail I left out... He asked me out." Now everyone was actually SCREAMING. We jumped up and down and we were shaking Lily senseless.  

After we calmed down and gossiped for hours, it was time to go.

I called a taxi, we jumped in and told the taxi driver the name of the block before the one we were supposed to meet up at because we were taking no fan danger risks.

We met up with the boys and when Liam went up to Lily and hugged her so tight, he lifted her up, we all "awed"

And as I went up to Niall and I whispered in his ear, "everything's ok.. You're still my everything." he then hugged me and spun me around in circles.

But then I saw Julie talking to Louis. FIngers crossed she'll get him back. ♥

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