Maybe I'll Stay ♥

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The boys had an amazing show, as usual. We all sat backstage behind the curtain watching them the whole time. We felt proud of them.

Every once and a while, I'd look over at Lily and she'd either be on her phone, or staring at Liam, like a longing look. 

I can tell she really loved him, but her feelings were put aside now, which wasn't right. I decided to check my twitter, to see MY hate mail.

1DForLifeAndADay: Fiona, you're lucky and all, but Niall is mine and nothing will change that

NiallsPotato667: He's mine, back off you desperate wannabe girl, he won't like you, your too fat.

I looked down at my stomach and sighed, I wasn't fat... but whatever. I scrolled through a couple more after that. I don't know why she called me fat...

Crzy1Dfangirl6329: Niall doesn't love you, it's all publicity... just sayin haha sucks for you.

I began to think, then stop myself. This is probably what Lily got everyday and couldn't stand it. I can just brush it off, but her, she takes it beyond seriousness.

I came up behind Lily to ask what she was doing on her phone. She had an emotionless look on her face as she slowly scrolled through the touchscreen.

She was on Safari on 

"What are you doing?!" I yelled a little too loud at her.

"What does it look like? I'm going back to New York, where I belong, not here apparently." Lily said, trying to get to a point that I was missing.

I stepped back for a second and then stepped back towards her. "Lily, you're making a big mistake. This contest happened for a reason. For you, it gave you a boy and great friends. Now do you want to give that away?" I said squinting my eyes.

"You just don't get it, ok?" Lily said, as she stepped off her chair and walked into the dressing room. I had enough with her. I understand she's sad, but who would give this opportunity away?

I decided not to chase after her, so I drew my attention back to Niall on stage. He drew his attention to me every once and a while by looking at me and smiling to the side. I smiled back and my eyes traveled to the ground.

They first sang, What Makes You Beautiful, then Taken, and More Than This.

"Ok, we need some cheering up to do, girls, will you sing along with us?" Harry yelled out to the crowd of screaming teenage girls

They started the song, Up All Night. Liam joined in on the chorus and sang:

"I wanna stay up all night and find Lily and tell her she's the one...."

The boys sang louder to disguise what Liam just said. The girls backstage just looked around with our jaws dropped. Lily was in the dressingroom and didn't hear it. I immedietly ran to get her.

When they finished the song, Liam looked around and out his head down. Niall came over and pulled him backstage by us. Harry, Zayn, and Louis stalled the crowd by answering tweets.

"Liam, what's wrong?" Niall said, holding his shoudlers and looking at him dead in the eyes.

"I can't go on without her..." Liam squeeked out.

At the moment, I shoved open the door to her dressingroom and without saying anything, I grabbed her by the belt loop hole and she eventually ran with me.

"What the hell are you doing?!" She tried to sqirm free. I led her to Liam, she saw him looking lost.

"Babe, what's wrong?" She said, throwing herself at him and wrapping her arms around him as he did the same and a small tear rolled down his face.

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