Making My Eyes Sparkle ♥

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"Ok well congratulations to the big contest winners!" Zayn said as he stood up in the bus and waved his hands over us. I noticed Zayn was looking at Dana and couldn't get his eyes away from her.

"Ok, let's go over who's sitting by who on the airplane!" Harry said as he put an arm around Taylor and flashed a smile at her. Her only response was to smile back and giggle a little. 

"Harry is next to Taylor, Dana is next to Zayn, Fiona is next to Niall, Lily is next to Liam, and the lovely Julie is next to me!" Louis said as he winked at her and pulled her close by the waist. "Why thank you, you think I'm lovely?" Julie spit out. "Darling, that and more." Louis said as he poked her nose. 

"Silly old Louis... haha but ya Julie, um he's mine :)" Harry whispered to Julie. "So what airline are we flying?" Lily asked Liam. "Well, dear, we have our own jet." Liam bragged. 

"Your own? Wow, girls, we're living the high life now." Dana said. It was very early so some people were half asleep even though they were extremely excited. Niall looked at me. "Fiona, that's a beautiful name." as he smiled at me. "Thank you, my full name is Fiona McKenzie Quinn, I'm all Irish, and proud!" I said proudly. That made him smile a little and I looked into his eyes. Was that just a moment we had there? We've known eachother for what? 20 minutes? Haha, love's crazy isn't it?

"So, um, my name is Taylor guys." Taylor stood up and told everyone, even though no one asked. "I have long, brown hair, and big brown eyes as you can see." She winked at us. "If you can see a sparkle in them, just blame it on Harry." She said as she smiled at him, sat back down and he looked at her and you could tell he's been struck by cupid.

"Well, while we're introducing ourselves, I'll go next." I said. I stood up shyly and adressed everyone  with my name. My name is Fiona and I have medium length blonde, curly hair and blue eyes that smile. Yes, these eyes smile, and it's whenever I see these boys." I was afraid to say it but they all joined in in a big, "Awwww". I sat back down, next to Niall.

"I'm next then!" as Dana stood up. "My name is Dana and I have brownish, blondish, redish, well every color hair. I have colored contacts and they shine bright whenever Zayn smiles." Dana giggled as she finished the last sentence. She blushed with a bright pink patch was slapped on both of her cheeks. She sat back down, as Zayn patted his lap, signalling her to sit on his lap. She happily accepted.

"Hi, I'm Lily!" She started "I have extremely curly brown hair and I'm Italian as can be! I just want to thank you guys for taking me with you." They all joined in again as they said, "Awwww". "It's just that the other day, I was sitting at a computer screen looking at blogs about you, now, I'm sitting in front of you." She looked around, took a deep breath and carried on. "You guys make me smile and that's all that matters." She sat back down next to Liam and he took her hand.

"My name is Julie and I've got dark blonde hair with red mixed in its sparkly in the light! I’ve got dark green eyes with a darker ring around the outside." She started as Louis whooped in, "That's my girl!" trying to be in an American accent. Julie laughed a little and carried on. "You can think of me as a typical fan girl, but I'm much more. I hope you get to discover the real me in this coming week. It's gonna be a little crazy living with 4 other girls I've never met in my life, but I'm sure we'll be best friends!" Julie ended and looked at Louis as he winked at her.

"Hi, we're One Direction!" All the boys stood up and said in unison. All the girls began to laugh because it sounded like a recording. Louis said, "I like carrots." We all laughed and carried on. "I can beatbox." Liam said proudly. "My favorite line is Vas' Happenin'." Zayn said. "I love food... a lot." Niall said. And Harry proudly said, "I like apple juice." They all bowed and went back to where they were sitting. We all laughed and the bus driver told us that we were at the airport and there actually weren't any crazy fans.

"Thanks man." Louis said as he pat him on his back. They all stepped out of the bus and into the airport. We got out bags on the conveyer belt thingy and then we had to go through security. Zayn had to go through it about 3 times because he kept forgetting to take off belts, necklaces, bracelts, even earrings! "I swear he's a lady." Said Harry. We all chimed in laughing as we finally got through security, showed our identification, and got to finally sit down and relax. Harry and Taylor were both listening to Harry's ipod, Zayn and Dana were just talking, Lily and Liam were watching youtue videos on his laptop, Louis and Julie were eating a candy bar they bought at the magazine stand, and I fell asleep on Niall's shoulder. He didn't move or try to disturb me, but he looked at me slowly and tried to tickle my nose.

I woke up and gave him a look and he put his hands up saying he was innocent. I turned around and laughed at him and nudged myself back into my comfortable position. Louis looked at Niall and mouthed the words, "she's cute for you." I didn't see what Niall said back, but I hoped it was good.

They called the boys out to their jet, and we packed up our stuff and walked over to the door. It was adorable what happened there, Liam held Lily's hand tight and close as if she was going to fall out of his grip. She squeezed back to let him know she's there. I looked back, and even though I didn't really know Lily, I knew she had a good thing there. She smiled back at me and I turned around and saw Niall's face actually looking at me. He was looking at me before I caught him back. How cute?

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