Lily's Little Love Letter ♥

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"Guys, so here's the note, this is why I was smiling and juming around so much." Lily handed the note to 4 hands reaching out for it. This is what it said,

Hello Lily Doll, I don't know if you wanted to, but maybe we could meet up tomorrow night, the night before we go on tour. Like dinner or something. :) Here's my number. (***) ***-****

Lily not only was jumping around as we were reading it, but was swimming in her suitcase for an outfit to wear out tonight. All of us decided that we need to go shopping today then. "Ok girls, we need to hit up a mall or something for you. I'll pull up a map on my phone." Taylor said as she was tapping away on her phone. Taylor got a map and we all got oursleves together and called a cab to get us to the mall. 

"Wow, this is huge!" Dana said as she skipped in the mall. The mall was full of designers and couples, friends, and even girls that looked like models. "Ok, Lily let's begin. Where are you guys going out?" Julie said while holding Lily's shoulders to keep her still. "O, well he said a nice resturaunt." Julie said trying to calm down.

Our journey began. Store to store, and everywhere! But this is what we came up with.

It's good that Lily's parents are kind of wealthy, because all together, the whole outfit was $497.14. On our ride home, Lily put her ipod in her ears and a small tear rolled down her cheek, I think it was because of the song, A Daydream Away by All Time Low. I don't blame her, that's deep. Whenever I hear that song, it reminds me that I'll probably never have that romance. 

We got back to the hotel and it was only about 3 and they were going out at 7. So we sat on the couch and just talked. "You don't know how lucky you are, Lily." Dana said, you could tell she was so jealous! "Ya, like a million girls want to be you right now." I said. Lily looked around and tried to soak it in, because we weren't here for long. "Girls, I'm gonna try to make the best of this, and I'm so happy I get to share it with you girls." We all "awwww'ed" in unison. 

We just say back for a while, when we looked at the clock and it was already about 5:45 pm. "Oh my God! We need to start getting you ready!" Taylor shouted out. We pulled er into the bathroom, sat her down on a stool we set up in front of the mirror. We plucked at ehr eyebrows, we even shaved her legs for her, trimming and painting her nails, and they all stepped aside as I worked my magic in her make-up, then I stepped aside for Taylor to make her hair look absolutely perfect. We handed her her dress and we all stepped out of the bathroom and chatted amongst ourselves until we saw the door open just a crack.

"How do I look?" Lily stepped out and stumbled a little in the heels and waved her hands over our eyes because we were speechless. She looked gorgeous. Drop dead gorgeous. "Liam won't be able to keep his hand off of you, girl!" Julie said. "Julie!" I said as a laughed at her. There was a knock at the door, Taylor ran and looked through the peep-hole. "It's HIM!" She whisper-screamed. We all pushed Lily to open the door. She finally walked to the door on her own, without us pushing her. She opened the door. 

"Hi Li-." Liam was stopped in his train of thought. "Hello, Liam." Lily said as she became a little self-conscience because he couldn't stop staring at her. "You look gorgeous, Lily." he said as he was almost speechless. The girls and I all high fived behind them and jumped up and down, feeling that we earned an A+ in make-up and hair. 

"Well, are you ready to go?" Liam said. "Yeah, where are we going?" Lily said in a quiet voice. "it's a suprise, love." Liam said to her as he put his hand around her waist and led her out the door. As he closed the door after her, we looked down the hall after about 5 minutes to make sure they're gone and knocked on the boy's door. 

"Who is it?" Harry said in a high voice to disguise himself. "It's us! Now open up!" Julie said as she banged harder on the door. The door was opened slightly by Harry and Taylor tackled him with a hug. I ran over to Niall and squeezed him so tight with a hug, thinking about what almost happened last night betweeen us. Zayn ran up to Dana before she even saw him and picked her up and hugged her. I looked over at Louis and Julie and she was leading him into the kitchen. Oh, gosh, what now? I peeped over at her around the corner... 0_0

She had him by his shirt collar pulling him up to her as he was kissing her. Who would've thought? I thought they were all cute and innocent. I was wrong. Oh, well i thought Niall was gonna kiss me last night, they beat me! Is this a competition or something? "So did you guys see Liam? He had a suit on!" Zayn said as he was laughing under his breath. "Hey guys..." I said as I pointed over in the kitchen. "Get it man!" Harry shouted at Louis. He pulled away quick and smiled at us. I was happy for Julie. But I'm sensing that she thinks I like him because he pulled me into my kitchen yesterday to ask about my dream... I don't know.

"So Niall..." I started to say as I pulled him next to me on the couch. "What was gonna happen last night?" I started to say. "Well, as you can tell, things didn't go as I planned, but you're here now." He said. "Yeah, true." I said, I got up to grab some soda from the fridge. I overlook Louis and Julie and just went around them, like they were never there. Was that a plan? Who PLANS to kiss someone? I'm a little confused...

Dedicated to saarahlovee (Lily) Because I love this girl! :D

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Bye Loves :)

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