Welcome to England ♥

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We all hopped in the plane and chose our seats. Of course it's Louis next to Julie, Fiona next to Niall, Taylor next to Harry, Dana next to Zayn, and Lily next to Liam. So we all proped down in our seats and a lady on the plane went to the back and brought back some snacks. Potato chips, M&M's, and every kind of candy was on a list she gave us to choose from. I got some soda and a candy bar. 

"You are so silly!" I heard from behind me. Louis was trying to tickle Julie and she was laughing so loud! "Stop it! Stop!" She tried to yell out but he refused to stop. Back in the corner, I could see Dana and Zayn taking pictures on his laptop to put on Facebook to congradulate the winners. Zayn gave Louis a thumbs up and raised his eyebrows. Louis smiled back. 

I glanced at Taylor and Harry and they were sharing a Twix bar. They both laughed at eachother when Harry dropped the chocolate on his pants. "Really?!" he would yell every 5 seconds at his pants which were now stained brown. Taylor found this extremely amusing.

Liam was beatboxing at telling Lily to try and freestyle. From what I heard, she was pretty good actually.  When She finished, Liam was highly impressed and high fived her. She hit his hand but kept a grip on his as they met in the air. She pulled it to the side and they were holding hands.

I then decided to turn back to Niall. Let's just say that when Niall eats, he EATS. He challenged me to contest. I bet him I could eat a bag of chips faster than him. He accepted happily. We got our chips and we had Zayn count down. 3...2...1... GO! I ate as fast as I can and Niall did the same. "DONE!" I threw my hands in the air and shouted. Niall just put the bag down and stared at me. Zayn's mouth was hanging open as they both stared at me. "What?" I said while waving a hand at them.

"I've never seen someone eat faster than Niall...." Zayn said. Niall just sat there still staring at me. I waved one more time in his face and he snapped back to reality. "Wow girl, you are amazing..." He managed to blurt out. I smiled back, gently slapped his cheek and got up to use the bathroom. I looked back and saw Zayn telling Niall, "Man, she's the one for you." I was about look at Niall's response, but I then ran into a countertop. I stumbled a little, laughed it off and went into the bathroom. I wish I could've seen his response...

I came out of the bathroom and Dana called me over. "Hey Dana, come look at these pictures!" She shoved the laptop in my face. They were quite funny. All of them were Zayn and Dana making the stupidest faces at the camera. I laughed at each one. I need to do this with Niall, but not now... 

I  returned to my seat with some M&M's in my hand. "I've never seen a girl eat as good as me..." Nial said, still staring at nothing. "Well I can eat... But you just learned that." I said. "Oh, yeah I did. I got schooled by a girl... That's a problem." He said, finally turning towards me. "Oh really, is it? Well too bad honey." I said with no sympathy. Niall put his hands up indicating innocence. "You are quite a girl." He said quietly, looking up at me. "Honey, wait until you get to know the rest of me." I said back.

"Hey guys! Watch what Lily can do!" He said while pointing at Lily who appeared next to him. She tied a cherry stem in her mouth. Of course I know the secret to that, but apparently, Liam didn't. "Ta-Da!" Lily shouted and showed the stem to everyone. We all clapped, I don't know why, but it seemed to make Liam happy to have her.

"I don't have any unique talents!" Louis cryed out and pretended to cry and rammed his head into Julie. "It's ok baby, shh, shh, you are a wonderful singer!" She tried to cheer him up. "That's not enough!" His voice muffled in the material of her jacket. "She picked up his head and said, "You're just perfect, you hear me?" Louis sat up and looked her in the eyes. "You really mean it?" He said all wide-eyed. "Of course darling." Louis hugged her so tight she couldn't breath. He quickly let go and said sorry.

Time began to fly by as everyone was playing card games, eating, talking, and on their computers. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing in 15 minutes so please get your things together." the pilot came on the intercom and spoke to us.

Harry got Taylor's attention and pointed out the window and showed her England. "Harry's it;s beautiful!" She said as she gasped. "Just like you, love." Harry said as he looked back at her. She started fanning herself then looked back out the window. We started to land and it was a little bumpy. That voice came back on the intercom again.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to beautiful England!" He didn't sound so excited though. We all got our things together and walked off the steps of the jet. We were all holding our guy's hand and instead of holding my hand, Niall had his arm wrapped around my waist. "Welcome to England Love." He said as he faced me.

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