Let the Party Begin (Part I)

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I was still captivated by Niall's smile that was directed at me. "Hello lovely!" I heard across the bus. Lily sat on Liam's lap and she put her head down, still smiling, but afraid some cookie was in her teeth. Liam whispered something in her ear and he fooled her into looking up. He planted a soft kiss on her lips and when they pulled away, Lily just smiled as cuddled close back into Liam's open arms.

I felt weird for watching, but they were just so adorable. I know I keep mentioning it, but if you could only see, it's like they were taken out of a fairy tale love story. Well minus the foofy dresses, and crowns and castles. But I did sense magic in between them. It's like her being a fan girl faded away and she was genuinely in love.

I thought for a while about the night Niall almost kissed me. It haunts me that it was so close and that Harry's stupidity blocked it.

Louis and Harry finally settled down and sat in different spots of the bus. So I was not being enteratined much longer. I dug in my mustache bag and pulled out my laptop. I had a 15 inch MacBook Pro and loved everything about it.

I turned it on, put in my password, (which I'm pretty sure Niall saw over my shoulder) and opened to my homescreen. I had a collage of 1D pictures on my homepage, talk about awkward...

"That's cool, I haven't seen that one before, who did it?" Niall said as he pointed to the glowing computer screen. "Oh, I made it on photoshop, I take a graphic design class and this was one of my assignments." I said. "That's really good, next tme we need t-shirts made, I'll call you." He said.

"But you don't have my phone number." I said, being confused. "Oh, you don't?! Gimme your phone!" He said being actually suprised. "You could've asked for it! I would've gave it to you!" he said.

He kinda sounded a little too excited and it scared me a little, but whatever. I gave him my iphone, unlocked it, and he scrolled through my contacts. 

"Why you creepin?" I said laughing and flapping my arms signalling to get my phone back. "I'm not, calm yourself little lady!" He said back.

He tapped the screen really fast and threw my phone back at me. I caught it and scrolled to find that his contact wasn't under Niall or even Nialler, but as: My favorite 1D man.

"Man?" I said with attitude. "Yes, I'm 18." He said proudly. Oh I was sooo ready to test his "manliness", but I didn't want to be mean, so I just agreed and let it be.

I looked back up at him. "You know you love me." He said with a kissy face. "O ok Mr. Horan." I said with a bit of attitude. I wasn't sure if he was inviting me to kiss him, so I pointed at my cheek and he kissed my cheek. I dodn't want our first kiss to be him bragging about himself.

"Uhm, guys, gals, we're gonna have to stop the bus, the engine's smoking." The chubby bus driver said as he squirmed out of his chair and waddled out the door, while the boy's manager was following.

"Wait, guys what happened?" Dana called from the back of the bus. "Our bus is broken! Our big red bus!" Louis said, fake crying again. "Louis, our bus isn't red..." Harry said back.

Louis just turned back at Harry and stomped away. "Sorry, mate, I still love you!" Harry yelled at Louis. Louis popped out behind the curtain and said, "I love you too."

We all laughed at Louis' quick come back and carried on with our private conversations. 

 "Guys, we're gonna have to get a taxi because this engine is not working with our schedule! We're gonna have to stay at a hotel for tonight until we get this junk fixed." Their manager hollered into the bus waiting for our response. We all just groaned because we finally got comfortable.

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