Turned Tables ♥

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I felt warm hands wrap around my waist and pull me closer.

"Niall, stop it, I'm ticklish!" I said, holding back giggles.

"Alright, hey let's get something to eat." Niall suggested.

"Now? It's like 10:30!" I said, wondering what he was trying to say.

"Yeah, why not?" Niall said back, shrugging his shoulders.

"Uhm, because we can get in BIG trouble...." I said, looking around.

"Oh... ok, well will you have some leftover pasta with me?" Niall said with puppydog eyes.

"...Fine." I said, falling into the trap.

"Yay!" Niall exclaimed.

Niall ran to the fridge and took out a tin container with some Alfredo noodles in it and popped it in the microwave. He jumped up and down and counted down as the numbers decreased until it beeped.

He took out the container and two plates. He poured the pasta on to the two plates equally, well almost equally. 

"Ta-Da!" Niall said as I say down and he slid the pasta in front of me.

"Haha, be quiet, you'll wake everyone!" I said, putting my finger up against my lips and shh'ing him.

"Oh well. I'm hungry, too bad for them." Niall said as he sat down across from me. He got me a glass of water and the same for him.

"So, what's on your mind?" I said, looking up at him after I piled some noodles in my mouth.

"You." He said in an obvious-like voice.

I giggled a little because no guys has ever said many nice things to me. 

"So, what time do you want to go to bed?" I questioned him.

"I don't know, whenever you feel tired, just tell me." He said, without looking up from his meal.

"Ok.... I'm a little tired." I said, stringing out my neck.

"Well, too bad, little lassy, because I'm not." Niall said, shrugging his shoulders and laughing

I stared at the bunk for a bit with my eyes as wide as they could go and after a while, I turned back to  Niall. 

"So, how you doin'?" Niall said, biting his lip and looking me up and down.

I covered my body with my arms and I felt extremely insecure and awkward. I made sure Niall knew that, so he'd stop.

"Uhm, this is making me feel uncomfortable..." I said, looking the other way.

"Sorry, well I failed." Niall said.

"At what?" I shot back.

"At being seductive." Niall said, making his voice deeper than usual. I reached over the table and playfully slapped his cheek. It easily became extremely rosey.

"That's for staring at me like that, boy." I said, sounding a bit ghetto.

"Sorry, you're just so beautiful." Niall said, rubbing his pink cheeks.

"Why, thank you. Well I'm done with my noodles, and I see you are too, how about we TRY to get some sleep?" I said, picking up his plate and setting it in the sink.

"Alrighty." Niall said as he sighed and got up and I climbed the little ladder to our bunk. I could clearly feel that Niall was staring at my backside... I immediately flew into the bunk and threw a blanket across myself.

"Nighty, night." Niall said as he layed next to me and kissed my nose, then my lips gently.

"Goodnight, love." I said in a horrible British accent.

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