My Journey To Womanhood

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Chapter 1 : Less Drama.

I roll off the couch where I fell asleep lastnight. Taking up my homework from english and placing it in my bookbag.

Diamond's mom: Good morning

Diamond: hey ma , is he up?

She sighs and heads off to the small space in the apartment that we call our kitchen

My dad then stumbles out the room holding and shaking his head back and forth.

Diamond's dad: Where the fuck is my keys

He started to laugh , not trying to hear anything I walk away slowly.

Diamond's dad: Where the fuck you think your going your mom is making breakfast?!

My little sister comes out the room rubbing her eyes and her stomach. We haven't eaten in days , Little Jimmy was the lucky one in the family ,he was only one so it really didn't matter if he ate or drinked my mom's breast milk.

I stare back at my dad trying not to talk back, trying not to roll my eye or suck my teeth. If I did do this I would either get slapped or be put in the hospital again.

He walks over towards me my lips trying so hard not to even move a muscle. My hands clutched tightly onto my bag.

Diamond's dad: Ayee ! I'm talking to you

Diamond's mom: Leave the poor girl alone Frank

My mom comes out the kitchen with two hot plates and places them on the table.

Diamond's dad: You shut yo mouth ....Dirty slut

I get scared, he touches my cheek and brushes my hair away from my face. I had straightened my hair from lastnight.

Diamond: Can you stop and leave me alone

Diamond's dad: What was that?!

His grip tightens on my face, Hurting my cheek from the pressure he was applying to it.

Diamond's mom: Leave her alone Frank!

My mom knew not to talk back to my dad , not even a word must come out her mouth when he's trying to discipline us. He looks at her and back to me shaking his head. My mom always tried to pick up for us, not knowing that dad would break her cheek bone again or this time maybe both her arms and not just the one like last time.

He moves from me and over to her , slapping her over and over and over , her face starts to bleed and the black eye came back.

My little sister Jessica runs out the living room in tears. I try so hard to take his hands off her.I tried so hard for him to stop . I screamed, I yelled out his name but he didn't listen, at this time she was coughing and spitting up blood.

I ran to the phone and dialed 911 .

By the time the police got there my mom had to be sent to the hospital. I had to get Jessica ready for school and I had to ask the next door neighbor's to watch Jimmy for me. I wasn't wealthy , I never said I was , but I didn't have a lot of clothes and I wasn't the kind to wear make up and dress up in fancy dresses, I was just plain old me with my black gym pants on , white tank top and some shoes that I found at the end of my closet, placing my hair in a messy bun.

Today was just going to be an original day , same teachers, same hoes , same niggas trying to get pussy and the same dumb ass fights for the most petty shit too.

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