I Guess Kyle's Back

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Trey's POV-

I got home and got cleaned up with some help from my homie Carl. I love Diamond but when I get beat up like that...by a dude I don't even fucking know.....she got some shit to explain to a Nigga. I limp out the bathroom and into the bedroom. I lay down on the bed , my body still sore and slightly weak.

Diamond's POV-

I opened the front door letting the kids inside. I picked them up from school since I guess Trey forgot.

Jessica: I love this place Diamond

Daimond: me too

I put Lil Jimmy down in his play pen that Trey got for him. I place my hand on my tummy.

Is he going to do the same for you little one.

Wait what am I doing.... I can't tell Trey about this at all.

I walk up the steps slowly to the bedroom. I open the door to a sleeping Trey.

aww he so cute when he sleeping.

I sneak in the shower and started to wash up when the door swings open and a limping Trey comes in trying to stand up straight. What happened to him?

Trey: Diamond...... who the fuck is Kyle?

My heart starts to pump...Kyle? how would he know about Kyle?.

Diamond's Flashback-

I wrap my arms around his neck , He kisses me slowly a sweet tender passionate kiss that I loved. I was the first to pull away. He looks at me confused.

Kyle: Did I do something wrong?

Diamond: Kyle your um......

How could I tell him...we only been dating since the start of 5th grade but now next year...were going to be in high school and a lot happens then...People get serious and fall madly in love. We been dating so long he just has to.

Kyle: I'm what ?

Say it already he's going to think your weird and break up with you.

Diamond: Kyle I love you

The words stumble out my mouth , He didn't answer back and I wanted to walk away and drown myself in tears. I meant what I said...I do love him I mean I wake up in the middle of the night thinking only of him , that gotta be love. The room gets silent , I start to play with my fingers as they begin to sweat.

Walk away Diamond , he doesn't love you , he wasted your time.

But then after a few more racing heart beats he kisses me and I don't mean that normal peak and back up I mean that grabs your waist and works my way in your mouth type of kiss. This time I didn't want to pull away.... I didn't want him to even move an inch away from me. But then he broke the kiss and my heart fell while my stomach gained more butterflies.

Kyle: I love you too Diamond .....and I mean that

Kyle's dad was a drug lord and all he ever talked about was becoming a true thug....even though I hated that he would do something like that but I can't just judge someone.

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