That Was The Past

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Dee's POV-

Diamond: Man

I looked at her and back at our family members watching us. Let me be the bigger person.

Dee: Let's talk

Diamond: Whatever

She gets up and we walk over towards the bench that was next to the BBQ grill. We sat down and stared at each other before she broke the silence with a cough.

Diamond: So what?

Dee: Listen , regardless of the fact were cousins and you know what ....what is it if me and Kyle got sumn going on , your with Trey and you shouldn't be getting jealous over your ex and shit

Diamond: You hearing yourself? you having crushes and shit on my ex

Dee: Who the fuck said I had a crush on this Nigga , I'm just saying

She stands up and Kyle walks over towards us.

Diamond: Kyle fuck you man

She storms off and Kyle comes over hugging me.

Kyle: You okay?

Dee: Man I'll be fine

Kyle: Ima take you home

Dee: Aight

With that we got up and headed towards the door. Fuck this damn party.

Trey's POV-

Right now I'm heated. I'm upstairs sitting down on the bed just thinking. So many stuff going through my head. The baby and now Diamond with this shit.

I hear the door open and look up to see Diamond walking towards me. She was smiling but I ain't care.

Diamond: You -

Trey: Man don't fucking ask if I'm okay , you over here sticking up for Kyle and shit like do you wanna be with him? Cause you can fucking go

She had a shock look on her face. While she was out there fucking everything , I was the one over here being hurt about this damn girl.

Diamond: What ?

Trey: I'm stressing over you and you fucking Kyle , matter a fact you fucking Ashley too

Diamond: How did you find out about Ashley

I got up off the bed and stood right in front of her. Our eyes locking.

Trey: Does it fucking matter how I know Diamond? its the fact that I heard this shit WHEN I JUST FUCKING LOST MY DAMN CHILD

Diamond: Don't fucking take out losing the baby on me

Trey: I am tho Diamond , I'm blaming you !

Diamond: You fucked Meghan

Trey: Your point ? We wasn't together Diamond

I swear I had every right to slap the shit out of her at the moment but ima keep the shit to myself and walk away from the situation before I do something ima regret.

Diamond: It doesn't matter Trey !

Trey: You know what Diamond , I'm out

I'm not gone listen to her and her bullshit. I'm out

Kyle's POV-

I'm on the highway now. I look over at Dee sexy ass half asleep.

Kyle: You okay?

Dee: Do I look okay?

Kyle: talk to me , you know you can

She sits up and looks at me.

Dee: I like you Kyle , I really do but at the end of the day Diamond is my cousin

Kyle: Man I don't even feel that type of way about Diamond no more , I'm starting to catch em feelings for you that I did before when we were kids

Dee: If you liked me that much you should of said shit back then

Kyle: I had stronger feelings for Diamond , I ain't gone lie I did , but right now I'm feeling you and its like she in the friend zone

It took me awhile to get hurt to realize that Diamond will always be with Trey .

Dee: You know what ....I don't care

Kyle: About what ?

Dee: Like Diamond , she my cousin and all but she needs to know we have feelings for each other

Kyle: So you do have feelings for me?

Dee: Just drive

We came to a stoplight and I leaned closer to her. I place my right hand on her left cheek and we begin to kiss passionately.


Here is chapter 25 , chapter 26 coming soon

Mistakes will be corrected

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