This Bull I Swear

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Diamond's POV-

It's already been 3 months and Trey still in the hospital in a damn coma. I visit him every day and ima keep on doing that. I love him and I hope while in that coma I'm all he's thinking about. I been doing a lot of jobs lately , dropping off and picking up packages and having to shoot a few bitches and niggas now and again.

I have to provide for my family and since Trey not here at the moment, a girl got to do what a girl got to do. I have yet to find little Jimmy but I feel like the hunt is coming to an end.

I open the closet door and slipped on a pink T-shirt with my pink Nike's and some black tights. I wrapped up my hair into a tight pony tail brushing the sides and the ends.

I had a job to do today while Jessica was with Ash. I still haven't told her what I was doing but some things just shouldn't be said at all.

I climb into my brand new light blue Mercedes Benz. I hear my phone ringing and picked up to answer. My baby bump was getting bigger , I talk to him or her everyday , still waiting on Trey to wake up.

Phone conversation-

Diamond: Who is this?

Jeff: Diamond we have some information on your little bro

Diamond: Where is he?

Jeff: I'll text you the address

End of phone conversation-

I look at my phone and saw the text. I knew where it was, an old train station on the other side of town. I started to drive there. It was going to take awhile before I even got there.


I park the car close to the side of the big old train station , making my way out the car and locking the door. I see Jeff and a few other gang members walking up to me.

Jeff: Reports were made here an hour ago about a crying baby

Diamond: let's go see what's up then

Everyone pulls out their guns. You never know what could happen. We make our way inside looking at every corner. The child's cry got louder as we came to a little corner. Jeff flashes the flashlight and it wasn't him. That wasn't little Jimmy but it was a lifeless woman holding what seems to be a baby boy in her hands. I immediately hold my stomach in disgust.

Diamond: Clean this shit up and take that baby to the hospital to get checked

Kevin: But-

Diamond: Should I but yo paycheck ?

Kevin: No ma'am

Diamond: Alright then

I started to walk towards my car. I was more aggressive , a side of me that hopes to go away before Trey wakes up. I drop by Ashley's house, knocking on the door twice before I saw her quickly open it.

Ashley: damn you scared me

Diamond: Anyone home?

Ashley: Would I be babysitting your sister if they were?

Diamond: Good point

I push past her and stepped inside. I could smell fresh baked cookies.


It was sad that Ashley's parents told her she couldn't see me again. That I was a bad influence on her life and she should do better with friends and find some new ones. I'm thankful she didn't throw me away because I wouldn't ever do that to her.

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