Chapter 9

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**My POV**
I was at Keith's house, we were laying in the bed watching a movie.
"I'm really sorry about tonight y/n." He said.
"Let's just not talk about it." I said.
He started kissing my neck. I just kinda kept quiet, and then we kissed. I really didn't know what to do, I'm still a virgin. He started leaving hickies. Then I guess he got a little too excited because he ripped my shirt.
"What are you doing?" I said as I pulled back.
"Shh." He said.
I tried to get up and he held me down.
"Relax baby." He said.
"Let me go, please." I said.
I squirmed around trying to get out of his grip. His hand went into my panties.
"Keith stop!" I yelled as I tried to roll over and off the bed.
He started to kiss my neck again.
"Shh baby let me make you fell good." He said.
"Can you let me go home!" I said.
He slid a finger inside of me. I squealed out in pain.
"Please stop!" I yelled as tears filled my eyes.
He started pumping it in and out, and it hurt so bad. I started to cry. He was gonna rape me.
"Keith please stop!" I said as I sobbed.
He was on top of me and it hurt. He didn't listen and just started going faster. I took my knee up and hit him in the balls as hard as I could. He grabbed his nuts and fell over in pain.
"You bitch!" He yelled.
I pulled my shorts up and and grabbed my ripped shirt. Then I grabbed my phone and left. I didn't even have a way home but I would find one. I cut the flashlight on. I had to find my way out of this house. This huge ass mansion. Keith came out his room.
"Y/n!" He yelled angrily.
I cut the flashlight off and got closer to the wall so I could feel for my surroundings.
"Dumb bitch." He said.
Tears rolled down my cheeks. I just needed to find a way out. I felt trapped. I texted Kelly.
Me-Kelly I need help I'm at Keith's house I think he's gonna kill me please come help me Kelly. I'm scared
   **Kelly's POV**
I was laying up in the man cave with Ben and Taj when I got this frantic text from Y/n.
Y/n- Kelly I kneed help I'm at Keith's house I think he's gonna kill me please come help me Kelly. I'm scared
"Fuck!" I yelled angrily as I got up and grabbed my shoes. "Lets go!"
"What's going on?" Ben asked.
"Keith done did something to y/n we gotta get to his house now!" I said.
I rushed outside and got into the car. I can't believe I let this happen to Y/n of all people.
     **My POV**
He grabbed me by my hair and threw me to the floor. I screamed and then he kicked me.
"That's one for kneeing me." He said.
Then he kicked me again.
"That's two for making me get up."  He said.
I balled up and he spit on me.
"You stupid bitch! Did you honestly think you could get away from me? You would've been better off letting me fuck!" He said as he kicked me in the head.
I started crying.
"I thought you loved me!" I said as I coughed up blood.
"I just wanted to fuck! But you were playing!" He said as he drug me down the hall.
I started screaming.
"Let go of me!" I yelled.
I got kinda angry that he did that to me and that he used me. I grabbed his hand and bent it back as far as I could. You could hear the bones dislocating and cracking. He yelled out in pain.
"That's one for playing me." I said.
Then I kicked him as hard as I could in the balls.
"And That's 2 for hurting me." I said.
I forced myself to get up despite all the pain, I had to get out of here. I know
I broke a rib or 2 and I might even have a concussion. I can't believe I almost loved this crazy guy. I found the stairs and ran down them and out of the door. I took off down the street.
   **Kelly's POV**
We were almost to his house when we saw the woman with a torn shirt and a bloody face.
"That's y/n!" Ben yelled.
I slammed on the brakes and got out.
"Y/n!" I yelled.
She kinda ran up to me.
"Y/n are you hurt!" I asked semi yelling.
"I'm okay Kel, I just wanna go home. Don't worry about Keith it's over." She said as she hugged me.
I kinda got tears in my eyes.
"Y/n I'm so sorry." I said as I shook my head.
"Kel it's okay, lets just forget this day ever happened I just want to put it in the past." She said.
"Okay y/n." I said as I led her to the car.
I didn't want to upset her, she had already been through enough. So I obeyed her wishes.

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