chapter 46

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*Y/n's pov*
"You sure you're okay?" He asked.
I shook my head.
"I'm just a little uncomfortable." I said.
"Do you wanna go to the hospital? " he asked.
"I guess." I said.
"Gotta make sure mommy is ok." He said as he rubbed my belly.
       At the E.R.
I was so nauseous. They had taken all types of test.
"One of your twins are 6 lbs and the other is 4 so far. Honey you got some big babies. " she said.
"I was a big baby and so was Kelly." I said.
"Well you're dealing with a case of gestational diabetes,  your iron is very low, you're dehydrated and you have a stomach virus. I want to keep you overnight being that you're pregnant.  Imma give you fluids and antibiotics and you'll be good in a few days." She said.
She walked out.
     A few hours later
Kelly had to go take care of some important stuff we were supposed to do.
"Where is he at?" My mom asked.
"He's taking care of stuff we were supposed to do today. " I replied.
"What type of man leaves his sick and pregnant fiancee to take care of his business. " my mom said.
"He's doing stuff for my business that I was supposed to do today." I said.
"Y/n you're stupid,  you can do better. But no you got pregnant before marriage and you're gonna marry a self centered boy!" She said.
"Im stupid because I got pregnant at 24 before I got married but if im not mistaken you got pregnant at 16 and has Mariah. I never judged you and I am sick of you judging me! I am happy let me be happy!" I said as tears rolled down my cheeks.
"What do you want me to do Y/n? I want you to learn from this!" She yelled.
"I want you to be a mother and be there for me! Have my back! That's what I want you to learn doe this! " I yelled as I started to cry harder. "I was never good enough for you,  I don't understand what I did to make you hate me but I am sorry."
She started to cry. 
"You know I love you. I just don't want you to be like me." She said.
"Kelly is a good man mom." I said.
She wiped her eyes.
"We're moving on past this. " she said.
"Yep." I said.
Kelly walked in.
"I hope I didn't interrupt." He said.
"You didn't,  you can take this seat." She said.
"You can keep that seat, imma pull up another one. " he said.
My phone buzzed and Kelly passed me it. It was a message from Jose.
Jose-Have you heard from Faith lately?
Me-now that you mention no. What's up?
I decided to call Faith. I called and it went straight to voicemail.
"Kel call this number. " I said.
He called and she answered.
"Hang up." I mumbled. 
He hung up and called Jose.
"Is she ignoring your calls?" I asked.
"They're going straight to  voicemail." He said. "I have to tell you something,  and I know I'm not being a good friend because you're already in the hospital and I don't want to stress you out."
"It'll be fine, just say it." I said.
"Y/n today I got a call from the bank and they said $500,000 has been transferred from the disaster relief account.  " he said.
"And it just so happened that she is ignoring our calls.....that bitch stole  the money. " I said. "We need that money Jose."
"Girl im outside your room now." He said as he walked in.
He spoke to everyone.
"Im calling the bank and you call the police. " I said.
"Okay." Jose said.

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