chapter 52

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2 months later *Y/n's pov*
I finished up detailing the nursery.  I'm 7 months pregnant, and babies weight 6 and 8lbs.  Don't ask me how, I really don't know. The baby shower is in 2 weeks. Kelly is on his way back from a 4 game road trip and Jose and Kelly's mother are downstairs cooking.  I turned around and tripped over one of  the rocking chairs and fell straight on my stomach.  I instantly felt a gush of something come out of me. I looked down and it wasn't blood. His mom came upstairs.
"Y/n? You okay? " she asked. "What happened!"
"I tripped and my water broke. " I said.
It was hurting really bad.
"We gotta get you the hospital!" She said.
"Imma start the car. You get her ready!" Jose said.
"Okay, you sit right here imma grab your bags."she said.
"O-okay." I moaned out.
She lifted me up into the rocking chair and went to get my stuff. The pain was so unbearable. I threw my  head back.  After about 10 minutes she came back up. Jose picked me up and beads of sweat started to form on my forehead. My breath started to quicken. 
     In the car
I felt like screaming, I'm in pain and I'm getting ready to deliver my  twins.
   *Kelly's pov*
My mom called me.
"Kel?" She said.
"What's up mom?" I asked.
"Y/n fell and her water broke. We're taking her to the women's hospital. " she said.
"We're about 45 minutes minutes away I will be there as soon as possible." I said.
I heard her in the background, mom was trying to comfort her.
"Let me talk to her." I said.
After a few seconds , I heard her voice.
"H-hey baby." Y/n said.
"Hey baby girl,  how are you feeling? " I asked.
"It hurts so bad." She said crying.
" its okay, imma be back soon, be strong for me." I said.
"O-okay." She said.
"I love you." I said.
"I l-love you too."she said.
     *Y/n's pov*
They had me checked in and hooked up to all the machines. 
"You're 7 month's pregnant and you're dilating rapidly. When the twins are here they'll may have little minor problems, but other than that they're very healthy and strong. " the dr said. "But you're about 8 centimeters so get ready to push soon."
Kelly rushed in.
"I got here as quick as I could. " he said.
He kissed me.
"Baby mama is in labor yall!" Jose said excitedly.
"Oooh lord, my grand babies. " his mom said.
After about 10 minutes I was in full blown labor, my legs were open and kinda up at an angle. I looked up at Kelly. I started to feel nervous and scared. He grabbed my hand.
"You got this baby girl." He said.
"Okay sweetheart we're ready for you to push." The dr said.
Hell I wasn't ready.
"Push! " she yelled.
I pushed and the pain was worse than expected.
"I can't do this!" I yelled.
"Yes you can baby girl. "  Kelly said. "You got it."
"Push a little harder." She said.
I pushed as hard as I could. Jose was looking all teary eyed.
"I see a head. " one of the dr's said.
"A head? Mane I thought I was pushing out the rest of the body. Oh my gosh!" I said uncomfortably.
Everyone laughed. I don't even want anymore babies after this.
"Just push as hard as you can." The dr said.
I pushed as hard as I could and Imma break Kelly's hand.
"There we go!" She said. "We got one baby boy."
Little cries filled the room. She layed the first one on my chest.
"Baby A born at 8:12 pm." She said.
My eyed filled with tears.
"Baby B is right here." She said. "Lets get him out. Push."
Mane I gotta push again. I pushed as hard as I could, this time it didn't feel as bad, but it was bad.
"A little harder. " she said.
I pushed even harder.
"Here we go! " she said.
Now the other one was on my chest. They looked just alike.
"Damn Y/n which one is which. " Jose asked.
Kelly was lost for words.
"Baby A is Legend and Baby B is Zane." I said.
They're so cute.
"Okay I'm gonna go clean and weigh little Legend and Zane up then will check them out and bring them right back. " the dr said.
Kelly hugged me with tears in his eyes.
"You did it baby girl. We have our babies." He said.
I started to cry.
"We did it." I said. 

  Mommy and Daddy duties start here.

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