Vampire Academy, Again (A).

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Tara's POV

I tried not to wake up.  I couldn't believe i had to attend a vampire school.  Everything was new to me and i still hadn't even come to terms with what i was.

What would i do? Everyone saw how i tried to burn them all.  I knew that Braeden and Elena attended there. What if they saw me?

I sat up in the bed and wrapped the sheets around me.  First thing i had to do was to apologize to the principal.

I didn't care about friends.  All i want to do is finish,  meet the King and Queen and disappear into the human world.

Besides I don't like that my eyes look very red and my snow white hair has turned more grayish ash. And people are going to wonder why I look nothing like a vampire.

I mean every vampire has a different eye colour but it only turns red when they're hungry and about to eat. So why did mine turn red.

I had already fed on Jake. This is what feeding on Jake does. It messes me up like crazy. But I can admit that they look beautiful and the stars in my eyes seem to glow more.

I don't want to admit it but I've never felt more alive. But I still miss my parents a lot. Every feeling seems magnified. I love running with speed and never getting tired.

Although it's weird to not breathe. That is very weird and freaky.

So going to the human world means that I get to keep my spell up forever.  I get to keep my blonde hair and blue eyes while i forget about the real me.

Without anyone telling me not to. If the king and Queen found out they would be disappointed.

Something about being confident is what they'd say. Well, I don't care. I have no parents, just Jake and Jeremy.

If you don't get up and get down here in five minutes I'll leave you.

I rolled my eyes and headed for the bathroom.  I deliberately took my time to shower and only came out after the water had gone cold.

The bathroom was so luxurious.  I keep forgetting their princes. I sighed and went through the closet.  There were so many clothes.  Jake had bought so many that i could barely pick.

He had even bought my underwear and he knew my size.  When i asked him about it he said and i quote, "It's male intuition."

I picked a white short sleeved straight dress which reached my knees and some brown leather boots.

I slipped them on after fixing my hair and putting on my underwear.

I grabbed the black shoulder strap bag and stuffed it with books,  pencils and pencils.

I walked out of my room and slowly descended the stairs. Jake was the only one downstairs. I knew it was Jake because he smelt like chocolate whilst Jeremy smelt like apples and mint.

Jeremy said he didn't want to be late so i should hitch a ride with Jake to school.  It hurt when he said i was tardy but it was the truth.

He sat on the comfy couch watching Vampire Diaries on the outrageously large flat screen TV. 

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