The Ancestors

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Tara's POV
I tried but I couldn't concentrate. To cast a spell I have to focus. But I'm tired and with all the crying and talking I can't.

Plus Jake is here. This isn't going to work and I'm terrified. Tears are still rolling down my eyes but I can't focus.

"Guys, I can't do this with all the noise. I need you to get out of here, especially Jake. My magic won't work when you're here." I said softly in a shaky voice.

They carried the queen to the Royal doctor's office so that they could stop the bleeding. Jake looked at me.

I could feel the pressure. He was depending on me. He didn't want to lose his mom. I was going to try my best. "I'll save her. I swear." I said.

He nodded and left. I pulled out the paper I tore and stared at the spell. After memorizing it, I took in a deep breath and calmed down.

I placed my hands on the box and began chanting. "Restituere perdidit ex ea quae fuit cinere. Redde quod meum est cum esset." I chanted continuously.

I kept chanting as I felt my head clear up and my magic flow. There it was. The book. I had done it. I restored it.

I began flipping to the spell to save the queen and the baby. "Baby, please hurry up. I c- can't l-lose my mom." Jake begged. I knew how much every one was counting on me.

It was scary. At first magic was forbidden because they believed it was wicked but now, its the only thing that can save the queen.

I just hope the ancestors won't interfere. They're known for that. All because they hate vampires. "I found it! Jake I found it!!" I said.

He came rushing to my side. Then I frowned. I had to use blood and the heart of an animal. A lamb to be precise.

But I can't do that. I can't kill a lamb. "Tara, please hurry. She's dying." The king yelled. I had to face my fears. I had to be brave or else my Mom would die.

I just got a second one and I won't lose her. Not like last time. I entered the living room and everyone stared at me.

The queen lay on the couch. She was unconscious and her heart beat was faint. I cleared everything on the center table onto the floor.

"T, get out of here and take Bella with you. The rest of you, no one talk. Jake I need you out of this room and please take your father as well." I said.

"I'm not leaving her alone." He yelled at me. Jake growled at him. "If you don't leave, then she'll die. Its your choice." I yelled back.

He growled and stormed out with Jake. I grabbed the ceremonial bowl from the box and the dagger. I grabbed the small mortar and pestle and the herbs I needed.

"One of you, grind this." I said and left it down. Damon grabbed it and began to grind it as fast as he could.

I opened the box and looked at the lambs. "I'm sorry but I need to take one of you." I said. I picked the white one.

I was so terrified. I was about to sacrifice her. It's alright. I was born for this.

That was when I knew I could speak to animals. I places her on the table. The spell said to slice her into two and rip her heart out.

I picked up the dagger and she closed her eyes. I places the knife at her throat and raised her over the bowl as I sliced down to her stomach.

She screamed and writhed for a while before dying. I put my hands in and pulled out her heart and dumped it into the bowl.

I put four candles at each edge of the table and lit them with my magic. "I need the herbs." I said.

It was handed over to me and as I poured it in I focused on my healing energy. I dipped my hands into the bowl and began to chant.

"Conteret ferrum illo anathemate. Et ut cura esset in hac vita. Reversusque statim producat quae sua sunt." I began chanting.

I could feel the spell working. Then it stopped. I felt immense pain in my head. Then I felt their voices.

They were so many yet they spoke in unison. The ancestors. "You deserve to die for helping vampires!" They yelled.

I felt blood coming out of my eyes, ears and nose. The pain was immense. I felt my life force bing drained out of me. But I had to push on.

"I don't have to die. The child did nothing. The queen has done nothing. You can't punish them for sins they didn't commit." I said.

I was coughing as I kept screaming. I could feel Jake shaking me and everyone. I heard Bella crying.

"It doesn't matter. They're vampires and they deserve to die. You must die as well for helping them."They yelled at me.

The pain intensified. They really were killing me. " Please just stop. You're suppose to guide witches to do good. Are we suppose to also kill witch babies to punish their parents?" I asked.

The pain was there but it stopped. "We'll allow you this once because you seem to have a point but next time, you will leave the human world and your soul will be destroyed!" They yelled.

The pain and the bleeding stopped. I was finally aware of what was happening to me. The spell had worked.

I got up and ignored everyone. I grabbed the bowl and it was a slimy back liquid. I moved to the queen and places the bowl at the tip of her tongue.

As soon as she drank it I dipped my hand into the wound in her stomach. The king growled as the boys moved to hold him back.

I moved deeper until I felt the blade. The curse was gone thank to the potion she was drinking. She was awake but groaning in pain.

I grabbed it and pulled it out. Once it was out, the wound stitched up and it was like it was never even there.

"Tara, thank you so much for everything." The queen said as she hugged me but I wasn't done.

I pulled away. They were all staring at me. I placed my hands on her stomach. I searched for the baby's life force.

When I felt it I smiled. "The baby is alright. I just thought you might want to know that it's a girl." I said and smiled.

The king was already on his way to his wife so I got up. As I moved, I felt it. They had changed their minds.

They were angry and they wanted my soul. I screamed like a banshee as I went down on my knees at the intense pain.

The blood had started. My eyes, ears, nose and mouth. Before I closed my eyes, I looked at Jake.

He was running toward me. Once again, I regret not telling him how I feel. Then I looked at Bella. She was crying so much.

"Take care of Bella." I said before I fainted. It was dark. Then suddenly there was light.

I looked around and there they stood. Thousands of witches gathered in the graveyard back at home.

"Where am I?" I asked. The leader smirked. "You're in our world now." She said and I blacked out.
Oh my God!!!! Tara is on fire! This story just keeps getting interesting.

Tara:Yeah, I just died and went to the spirit world and you think its interesting.

Elena:Oh quit being a drama bitch. They'll only destroy your soul and nothing more.

Jake:Dont fucking talk about her like that. And you, you better bring her back safely or else I'll kill you.

Author:*Runs and hides in a corner* Whatever, I'm the author and he can't kill me.

Okay, this is pointless. Anyway thanks.

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Until the next chapter...


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