Silence Breaking

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Tara's POV

"Okay, baby. It's time to stop the war. Let's go." I said to Bella as I headed to the garage. I was going to have to hot wire the car since I didn't have the keys.

I punched the glass window band opened the car from the inside. I placed Bella in the passenger seat. After buckling her up, I drove home.

On the way I tried to keep my mind clear. I didn't want to think about how I was turned. Not now. Not until I had stopped everyone.

I parked in the driveway and knocked on the door. I didn't know where my phone and keys were. Amelia opened the door. "Tara, what are you doing here? And why are you bleeding?" She asked.

I didn't have time. "I'm sorry. I'll explain later. I need you to take care of Bella and to give me your phone.

"Thanks! I'll return it later." I said. I bent down and hugged Bella. "Baby, I'll he back soon okay?" I asked.

She buried her head in my neck and began to cry. "You promise that you won't leave me?? You'll really come right?" She asked.

"I promise." I answered. "Pinky swear?" She asked as she held up her pinky. I locked my pinky around hers and shook it.

I kissed her forehead before I ran into the car and drove away. It was time to go home. I had to save us all.

I had no idea how but I had to.

Hours later...
It was midnight and I stood staring at the walkway into the kingdom. I called Tessa and she was working on it.

All banned witches couldn't enter. The queen had cast a spell. Who better to break it than Tessa, the royal advisor's daughter.

I stared until I saw the glow around the kingdom dim until it disappeared. I stepped toward it. One more step.

Then I stepped in. At that moment it felt like when I returned to the vampire kingdom. Something just clicked and I felt better.

But things didn't go as we had planned. I  heard the alarm. I had no idea what to do. Witches everywhere. They all looked at me with disgust.

I tried to run but I couldn't. I was surrounded. The royal guards arrived. I tried to cast spells but something was blocking me.

"Surrender or else..." A woman said. I placed my hands in the air as they cuffed me. It hurt like hell. These weren't normal cuffs.

They were laced with fire and burnt every time I moved. What was I thinking? Coming here with no weapons and unprepared. This is the stupidest thing I've ever done.

They grabbed my arms and dragged me roughly. When we got to the town square, I realized what had happened.

Soldiers lay on the floor dead and bloody. There were weapons lying around. The ground was stained with blood. Houses were on fire but they were trying to control the situation.

In a few days, chaos will happen here and it will end in a blood bath.

The vampires had already attacked. I had been to late. That mean the king and Jake and my family were all here. The vampires would want their king back.

They would attack. All those innocent people. If they do we will all fall. They will all die and the prophecy will come to pass. This can't happen.

I broke out of my reverie when I was put in a cell and chained to the floor. It smelt horrible and was dirty. I could see rats crawling around.

Then I smelt it. Dark chocolate mixed with blood and sweat. I looked around until I saw him. He was staring at me. His wounds weren't healing but he smiled.

I crawled across the room and moved next to his cell. We were separated by bars laced with vervaine so I could see and touch him.

His hair was messier than ever, ha had a black eye and a cut lip. His left shoulder was bleeding and his clothes were torn. Despite it all he still looked sexy.

"Take a picture. It lasts longer." He said. I had missed Hus voice and hat annoying smirk of his. I had missed him. "I think the real one is better." I said.

He looked surprised. Then he smiled and the room seemed brighter. Stupid butterflies!! Calm down!!

"Enough with the lovey dovey stuff. Shortcake, how did you end up here?" Damon asked. It seemed everyone was here but I hadn't noticed them.

"Of course you didn't. You were busy checking Jake out."Mason said. I blushed and cursed him under my breath.

I told them how I got here. Then they told me their story. They were winning but they ended he's were too many and they ended up in the cells.

They heard the guards talking. The vampires are about to attack. They're aiming for my grandmother so they've doubled security at the palace.

"But how are we going to get out? I have no magic here" I said. "Why not?" Jake asked.

"I have no home here. I've been shunned. I'm not allowed to draw magic from my ancestors. I can only use the gifts they grant me." I said.

"Well we have to come up with something. We have to help the vampires. I can leave my subjects to die alone." The king said.

No, this was all going wrong. They can't join in the fight. They'll all die and fulfill the prophecy. "No you can't go up there to fight. None of you can. Or else you will all fall." I said.

"Don't ask me what it means. I don't really get it myself but I watched you all fall. You just can't." I said.

We all kept silent after that. On my left was Edward. He hated being apart from T and he was bleeding.

Soon the sun set and the moon rose. "Princess, when was the last time you ate?" Jake asked.
I blushed at the nickname and when my stomach growled.

"I... Can't remember?" I said nervously. He growled at me. "You have to take care of yourself." He said sternly. Then he passed his hand through the bars without touching them.

I was about to protest but he gave me a glare. I also passed my hand to him. He sunk his fangs in the veins on my wrist and I had to bite my lip to keep from moaning.

I closed my eyes and sunk my fangs into his wrist. He groaned in pleasure. As I drank, I saw everything that had happened.

I don't know how but I just unlocked my gift. I was going through Jake's mind. There were so many doors. But there was one.

It had a giant padlock around it. I imagined a key and opened the padlocks before pushing the floor open. I was shocked at what I saw.

I could believe it. By that time I had moved away from him and do had he. Blood tears were already staining my clothes.

I just stared at him as I felt thus burning sensation in my chest. It hurt so much that I felt like screaming. I wanted to scream.

So I did. I didn't care whether it would damage their sensitive ears or not. I had the voice of a banshee. I screamed until it echoed through the entire kingdom.

Then silence. Well he had been silent long enough. It was time for an explanation. It was time to break the silence.

"Let me explain before you judge." He said softly.

Silence breaking.

What the hell did Tara see in Jake's mind. What is going on outside? Will the vampires attack?

Will the prophecy be fulfilled? Oh my God!!! Please read to find out more.

BTW, I'm sad. I have to inform you that Chasing Tara is ending soon. Only a few chapters to go.

Please read, vote, comment and share.

Until the next chapter...


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