Exquisite Agony

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I didn't know how long I had been here. I hadn't seen the Masked Monster in a while.

I hadn't fed in a while and I was hungry. That means it had been a week or more. It didn't matter.

All I could see were her blue eyes. Even when I closed my eyes they haunted me. I had killed a child.

A poor innocent child. I had been crying so much that the top of my dress was sticky with blood. What a freak!! I was the only supernatural who had blood for tears.

I felt so alone and dead inside. I could hear all the judging voices. If I ever got out of here, I would see their faces filled with disgust.

I felt like I was going insane. Then I smelt something. It smelled like death. Then I heard his footsteps.

Soft and calculated. I knew it was him. The Masked Monster. "Hello, Little Tara,missed me?" He asked I'm a sickly voice.

The lights suddenly came on and I had to close my eyes at the brightness. After I had adjusted I looked at him.

He still had his mask on and his hair was black and dirty. He wore black clothes and was barefoot.

" I hate you. You're a monster." I yelled at him. He laughed like I had said a very funny joke.

"Okay, we are going to play a game. It's very entertaining." He said.

I felt sick after that and the fact that I felt dizzy and weak wasn't helping. The last 'game' we played, I and killed someone.

Not again. I won't ever do that. " oh, don't worry. You'll love this one. Now I'm going to release your chains and take you somewhere. " he said.

Why would he do that? He's got to have an ulterior motive. But I couldn't guess what it was. So I decided to play along.

Then when he released me I could knock him out and run away. I nodded slowly and kept the confused act up.

He smirked and pulled a key out of his pocket. He unlocked both my wrists but I remained on the floor.

He held a hand out for me and I grabbed it with the intention of pullimg him back down but instead I fell on him.

He wrapped his hands around my waist. Nausea twisted in my gut at his touch. But I couldn't stand straight.

My legs and arms felt like jelly. He laughed at my failed attempt and smirked at me. "You see, that child's blood was filled with vervaine.

It won't kill you but it will weaken you. Now come on, you're going to fight against ten angry vampires." He said.

The fear kicked in and paralyzed my body. Ten vampires! But I was weak. I would die in five minutes.

He smirked at me. He carried me and threw me onto his shoulders. It hurt to move.

Everything was a blur as he ran with vampiric speed. Then he set me down. When I looked around we were in the arena.

There were vampires everywhere. They all looked at me with disgust. There were thousands of vampires.

When I looked around me the Masked Monster was gone. Ten male vampires who looked like giants came into the ring.

The doors closed and I stood in the middle and they all approached me like I was a piece of meat and they were lions.

I was terrified. I could barely stand and I felt like throwing up. Before I could hunch over, someone punched me in the stomach.

Instead of vomiting. I hit the ground and spit out blood. My stomach and back hurt like hell. The crowd cheered.

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