Jake Grayson Ashe

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Tara's POV

"Here at St Pierce's you will learn to be a better vampire and you can decide to stay in the vampire kingdom or in the human world." She said.

I clenched my fists as I remembered what happened when my anger triggered weird weather conditions which nearly destroyed our school.

"I am not a vampire i have no fangs and I don't drink blood. What I have are powers. You can't keep me here or..."

"You are a vampire now." She said, interrupting me. The old bitch!!

"Your parents are dead and I know how you feel but acting like this isn't the solution you have to go through the transition and if you reject it will hurt more." She said.

She thought she had gotten some sense into me after I kept quiet. What she didn't know was that I was mad.

I will bury this bitch.

"You just met me and you have the guts to tell me that you know how I feel? That I should just accept it cause you know what's right for me?"

I got off the the chair as I felt my powers in my veins. I was on the edge and I was tipping over. It was only a matter of time before I exploded.

"You don't know what's right for me cause you're not my mom. My parents died right before my eyes and i couldn't help them. You know how I feel?" I asked her.

"It's my life, my choices and my mistakes. You have no right in my life. So you can go and tell that bitch of a queen that she stopped having a right when I was seven years old.". I yelled.

The sky turned black as the wind blasted through the school and thunder and lightning roared.

" I am the daughter of Evelyn and David Morgenstern. I am the granddaughter of Amelia Morgenstern and the Angel Eremiel. I am the child of Angels and Witches. I am a witch." I declared.

Jake's POV

I sat at the back of the class with my best friends. The teacher was boring so we were joking around just to keep from dying out of boredom when the TV switched on. 

It always came on when the principal, a weird woman I never liked has an announcement. Although this time it wasn't an announcement.

I watched closer and then I saw her. Tara!! It was her and by what she was saying she seemed mad. That isn't good. She loses control when she's mad.

But then again she was a vampire which meant that she should lose her witch powers so how was she making thunder and lightning.

I didn't have time to think. She could hurt someone and I was the only who could stop her. I had to get to her quickly.

It seemed like everyone else had the same idea. Both teachers and students left their classrooms headed for the principal's office.

I ran among the crowd ignoring my friends. I wouldn't let her do something she would regret later. When I got there Jeremy was already there and trying to talk to her.

For a minute there I was scared that she would listen to him and not me but she proved me wrong.

"Tara, it's alright. I'm here for you. Everything will be fine just calm down." Jeremy said.

He was talking to her like a six year old and if I knew Tara that would only annoy her more.

Unfortunately I was right.

She set the school on fire. Now everyone was panicking. Vampires burnt easily due to our dead bodies. We would all die in a second.

Even I was panicking but for some reason I stayed glued to where stood and watched.

"Leave me alone Jeremy. This isn't about you. I don't want to to something that I'll regret." She said.

It had started raining heavily. Her voice was cold and I could see she was not in her right state of mind.

The school was on fire and people were screaming and yelling. Everyone was terrified. Everyone but me.

"Tara stop all this. This isn't you." Jeremy begged. She raised her hand at him and pushed him against the wall.

The wind had gotten louder and colder. The walls were turning brown as they burnt and I knew I had to do something.

I moved out of the crowd and stepped in front of the office.
She turned to face me.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing? If you don't stop this right now I will." I ordered her.

Everyone stopped talking and stared at me. They looked horrified that I was yelling at her. But I didn't care. I knew exactly what I was doing.

"No, she messed with me and she has to pay. I won't stop. So leave me alone, Jake." She screamed.

The fire alarms had gone off and the school was a mess.

"Tara Deidre Morgenstern. Stop what you're doing before you hurt someone." I said.

I wanted her to see  that what she was  doing was wrong."No it won't work. I've changed a lot since I was twelve." She said confidently.

"Let's see if your powers have." I smirked and walked in. Everyone gasped and screamed at me to get out but I went any way.

They didn't know something that only Tara and I did. It was one of our many secrets. Her powers don't work around me or on me.

As I neared her everything changed. The fire and wind stopped, the sky turned sunny and Tara collapsed.

I caught her before she fell down. Everyone cheered for me but I was only concerned about the girl in my arms.

"Can I take her home? I'll bring her back after I make sure she won't kill anyone" I said and left without waiting for her response.

I carried her to my car in the parking lot and drove away.

I kept glancing at her and she looked so sad and confused and lost. I have caused her such pain but now she is with me.

And I will make sure no one hurts my ray of sunshine. She deserves all the happiness in the world.

My mate. She doesn't know what mates are or that she's my mate but I will win her over.

After all I am her mate and you can't touch another's mate.

My mate.

My Tara.

The girl who managed to take the heart of Jake Grayson Ashe, prince of vampires without even trying.

She was, is and will forever be my Tara.

My Morning Star.


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So I hope this chapter wasn't that bad and I apologize for the errors.

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Until the next chapter...


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