I'm Yours Only

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"Oh, uhm. It's nice to meet you Amelia but don't call me princess. Just Tara will do." I said politely.

"Okay, princess Tara." She responded and smiled at me as I rolled my eyes. Then she laughed. She sounded wonderful.

I couldn't help but join in. Her laughter was so contagious. "When Jake comes, tell him I'm in my room, okay?" I asked.

She nodded and turned to do whatever she was doing. I kissed Bella's forehead before leaving Amelia seemed nice.

She had brown short hair and deep green eyes. She had a babyish face that made her look cute.

She seemed lethal and dangerous yet bubbly and warm. I wish I could be like that. But I can't. I don't wanna get hurt anymore. I don't care anymore.

I cleared my thoughts as I headed to my room. I closed the door behind me and lay on the bed staring at the ceiling.

I was thinking of ways to torture my sire. If he hadn't changed me, I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't have met the Masked Monster.

My parents would still be alive and I wouldn't have killed anyone. I didn't want to sleep. The drugs were humming in my veins.

But I wanted more. I was craving it. I changed out of my bloody clothes and went back to bed. I was so tired of everything.

The last thing I saw in my mind before I lost consciousness were two pairs of dark blue eyes. I saw Jake's eyes.

I screamed and bolted upright. I as terrified. I felt nausea twisting in my gut as I ran to the bathroom and vomited blood.

I felt so horrible. I stripped out of my clothes and had a col shower. "Are you okay? I heard you screaming." Jake asked.

I rolled my eyes. Of course he was here. I couldn't stand them breathing on my neck constantly. It's getting annoying.

I need space to think. I need to be alone so I can settle my thoughts. The trauma I went through is turning me into a rebellious person.

It's turning me into someone I'm not. The guilt of killing someone was eating me up. I was going insane. My head was so clouded.

My hands were trembling. That as the effect of the nightmares I had very night since I had been found on the street.

I wanted to get away from everything. Just for a while. I wanted to go somewhere that no noe knew me. So that I could clear my head and find a way to deal with my guilt.

But I knew Jake wouldn't let me. But there as one person who would always help me rebel against him.

His mother:Aunt Clary. So I turned off the shower and dried myself with a towel.

I left my damp hair in a messy bun. I grabbed a green dress, sandals and a blue jacket. Jake wasn't around so I took it as an opportunity.

I locked my door as I grabbed my suitcase and began packing. I was probably going to be gone for a few months. It took a while but I didn't care.

I had already slept and after that nightmare, I wasn't going to sleep again for a while. As I picked another dress, a paper fell out of it and unto the floor.

I picked it and turned it around. It was the picture that Jake and I had taken when we I got drunk for the first time.

I was wearing the skimpy dress he had chosen for me and a pair of pumps. Jake as usual looked like your typical bad boy but also a golden boy.

Wanna know why? In the picture he had wrapped his arm around my waist and was kissing my cheek as I blushed furiously.

My heart clenched at the resurfacing memories but I pushed them down. I decided not to take it with me. I didn't want to remember when I left.

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