Vampire Academy,Again (B).

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Tara's POV

Who is he?? Heat erupted on my skin at where he touched. I could get used to this. And his hard and muscly chest. I rubbed on him.

"Are you done rubbing on me like a cat?" He asked in an amused tone.

I blushed and his my face in his arm. "I'm Damon. I'm a full vampire. You?" He asked.

I moved my head back to stare into his eyes. Suddenly I wasn't mentally drooling over him.

He looked like a big brother to me. But I felt that for once he wouldn't leave me.

"Tara. I'm part vampire, Witch and Angel" I said. "I'll call you shortcake. So it was you who tried to burn our school?

Damn that was awesome. You would have been everyone's hero if you had finished the job." He said.

I was confused. So they don't hate me for burning the school but they are disappointed that I didn't finish the job?

Wow!! "So do you like music? Cause, if you don't, you can't be my tiny shortcake sister." He said.

I hated the fact that he called me tiny. I was short, yes, but not tiny. He was like Jake in a way. Stupid Jake calling me a micro organism!!

"I love music. But I can't sing. I apparently sound like a donkey suffering from tuberculosis." I said.

He laughed when I said that. I was about to say something when his scent hit me. Dark chocolate.

In a few seconds I heard his soft footsteps. I felt guilt for no reason. "Get your bloody hands off MY MATE!" He growled behind me.

Damon's eyes widened and he moved away. I didn't understand what was going on. "Shortcake, you should have told me you had a mate and mentioned that it was the presence." Damon said.

I just stared at them confused. I could feel Jake's breath on my neck and his anger. "Could you..." I was cut off by Jake as he growled at Damon to get out.

He left and Jake slammed the door. Now I was mad. How could he treat Damon like that?

Before I could say anything Jake pinned me on the wall and sink his fangs into my neck.

I gasped at the feeling of fire spreading through me. I moaned in pleasure as he dug deeper.

"Drink from me!" He growled. I extended my fangs and sunk them into his soft flesh. His blood was like melted chocolate.

I could feel it in my veins as it hummed and danced. I don't know how long we stood drinking from each other but Damon came in and ripped Jake off me.

I felt so cold at the loss of contact with his body. What was happening to me? "What, what just happened?" I asked.

Jake stared at me and finally explained with just three words. "You're my mate." He said. My world came crashing down.

A mate was your other half. The person who was created just for you. Only vampires and werewolves have mates.

But Jake can't be my mate. Mates are suppose to love each other not fight over everything like we do.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I choked out.

"Because it's not important. You and I know we can't be together. You want love from someone else and I want sex from everyone else.

Even if I told you what difference would it make? We're incompatible." Jake said.

He was right. So why did it feel like he was ripping out my heart. I love Jeremy and he wants sex from anything that has a female sex organ.

"You're right. Let's just forget about us being mates and go back to bring Jake and Tara who can't spend a minute together without bickering." I said.

He just nodded and left. I felt dead inside but now all I feel is pain. It hurt that he didn't want me. But I shrugged it off. It didn't matter.

I love Jeremy, not Jake.

"You both are the biggest idiots veer. So you're incompatible right? You don't care about each other? You drank from each other nonstop for fifteen minutes.

You're lying to yourself and everyone that you love someone else but you don't. He's just too stupid to see it and so are you. I hope that when you realize, it won't be too late." Damon said.

I had nothing to say. What would you say to that anyway? "So I'm guessing you missed your first class?" I nodded and gave him my schedule.

"Aww shortcake we're in the same classes. Come on we have Maths." He said with a sigh and I shuddered.

I looked at him and he chuckled. "What I don't like Maths!" I shook my head and we walked out of the room.

He opened the door and I followed him to the back and sat beside him as I ignored everyone else's stares.

It was a good thing that I sat at the back. No one would see me here. "Good morning, class." The teacher said.

I looked closer and saw her tag. Mrs. Grace BattleAxe. Wow, what a name!

I chuckled and Damon looked at me before be saw why I was laughing. He smiled and playfully bumped my shoulder.

She was a woman in her late forties with long brown hair tied into a bun, glasses and wore a grey suit. She looked so pale and serious.

"Okay, I'm Mrs. BattleAxe just in case you didn't know. I'll take the attendance and when it's your turn mention your full name and what you are." She said.

So it started and everyone began introducing themselves. So far everyone was either full vampire or part something.

I was part three things. As Damon did his introduction I panicked. What if they laugh because because I'm the first of my kind and probably the last.

You're awesome. They'll love you. Jake said in my head. Weirdly enough it calmed me down. Stupid mate bond! Ugh!!

Damon sat and I got up. People stared and others whispered. "I'm Tara Deidre Morgenstern. I'm part Vampire, part Witch and part Angel."

Everyone gasped and that's when it backfired.

They started bombarding me with questions. I answered them all. The last two were what turned my day.

"Have you found your mate?" Mrs. BattleAxe asked. Everyone went quiet. I gulped and nodded slowly.

"Who is he?" She asked. I closed my eyes and opened them.
Should I mention your name? I asked Jake through the mind link.

Go on, tell them. It won't change anything about us, okay? Be brave Tar. Face them all. I He responded.

I smiled. "Jake Grayson Ashe." I said. I sat down and began drawing. I couldn't stand the silence anymore.

No one else has spoken after I mentioned his name. I could feel their stares on me. So I caved and did what I always did.

I ran! But this time I teleported. I teleported back to the valley Jake had brought me to. I sat under the tree and stared.

I had one thought in my mind before I fell asleep. "I hate that freaking school."


So how was it. Jake and Tara are mates but they claim to be incompatible.

What will happen? How will Tara feel living with Jake now.
When is she going to find the one who turned her into a vampire.

What happened the night she was turned? Who killed her parents?

Please vote, read, comment and share.

Until the next chapter...


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