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After a lengthy, eight hours of packing my office, It still wasn't empty. One of my coworkers, well ex-coworkers, Lena popped quietly into my office that I was clearing out.

" I heard the news." she states in her tiny, mouselike voice.

"Yeah well, shit happens, right?"

"Right" she squeaks

God I couldn't stand her fake voice.

"Well, I still have lots of work ahead of me" I say hinting her to leave.

"Right, sorry" she says before leaving. That bitch had been trying to get my job for 4 months. It was her lucky day.

After packing until midnight, I decided to go home and get some rest. I could finish packing tomorrow.

Most of the lights were off. Everyone at Cosmo must be gone. Weird.

I hoped I wasn't all alone. You see, Cosmo isn't the only business in this building. I walked silently into the elevators. They were dark too. This is creepy.

I had gone down two floors when all of a sudden, the elevators stopped, and the lights in the elevator came on. There was a man in here with me. It was that same man who spilled piping hot coffee on me this morning.

"What the hell" I seethed.

He smirked lazily at me.
"Ah, so we meet again."

His smirk was sexy,yet so was his voice. It was like honey,but rough.

My thoughts are quick, then I respond,


He lightly chuckles before eyeing me up and down smirking.

"Maybe it's unfortunate for you." He stated.

"Well I happen to be too tired to argue. You see, you making me late caused me to loose my job. Now make the elevator start again so I can go home."

"Before I start the elevator, hear me out."

"Okay, shoot" I say.

" my name is Zachary Alexander" he says smoothly as my jaw drops. Damn he co owns that multi million company.

then he adds, " And I can fix this whole problem about you loosing your job. Work for me." He says with a smirk.

"Uhm excuse me, but I'm not a maid,or a slave."Or a prostitute." I add

"No, no, not like that. My dad will not let my company buy his company, until I'm married."

"And what does that have to do with me?" I ask

"Well I've been busy with work and not had time for a relationship, so I obviously can't actually have one. but I told my dad that I'm in a relationship with a wonderful, beautiful girl, and the description I gave him fits you perfectly." He smirks, and adds,

"That's why for the next 12 months, your going to be my fake fiancé, and 6 months after that, my fake wife."

I scoff
"What makes you think i would agree to that?"

"Well, for starters, this has to look real, so you'll get to be with me." he stated cockily. "but, you also need a job. Im going to pay you double whatever Cosmo paid you."

Well shit. You can't pass that up.

"So do we have a deal?" he asks.

"Yes." I say

"Great, meet me at this address tomorrow at 11:00 am sharp." He sates before putting the elevator back in motion.

I have a feeling that I just made a deal with the devil.

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