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We have been back from California for two weeks now, and let me tell you, I was not glad to be back, for this weekend, we were wedding planning, well, fake wedding planning. Ill be honest, I think I'm starting to fall in love with Zach, and I know when this whole deal is over, I'm gonna be hurt.
These random kisses, and acts of affection need to stop.

"Peyton, come here for a second." Zach yells from across the house.

"Coming!" I shout and make my my way to his office.

"My mother, Jessy, and Allison are all going to meet us at the wedding planning place sooner than we thought." he says.

"How much sooner?" I groan.

"Four hours sooner." He says.

"Well, it's 11 now, an we were supposed to meet at 3:45, so we have 45 minutes." I say, nonchalantly.


45 minutes!

"Shit! 45 minutes." I say and rush to the shower.

I quickly wash
And dry my hair, and then put my hair into a cute messy bun. I then dress in dark skinny jeans, an off white sweater, and tall, brown 'riding style' boots. I put on the minimal amount of makeup, and we made it out of the house with two minutes to spare.

"You look beautiful, darling." Zach says, and kisses my cheek. I winced, and he pulls away looking at me strangely.

"What's wrong."

Oh, nothing, I'm just trying not to fall in love with you.

"Nothing, I'm fine." I reply, smoothly

He reaches for my hand, and I 'sneeze' jerking it away from him to cover my mouth.

The elevator ride seems to last forever, but soon enough, were out on the city streets, calling a taxi. He wasn't in the mood to drive I guess.

"Anderson bridal shoppe." he instructs the driver.

Holy Cheese!

That's his moms bridal shoppe! The most famous bridal shoppe on the Eastern half of the U.S!

I squeak in excitement and Zach looks over at me, smiling.

"Excited, are we, kitten?" he asks.

"You never told me that your moms business was going to do our wedding plans. Anderson Bridal is legendary!" I exclaimed.

"Well, all I know is that the cake is amazing. If the cake wasn't any good, you would be planning this wedding with just your girlfriends. But who in their right mind would pass up good cake?" He says and my heart sinks a little, he's just here for the fucking cake.

Soon, the taxi drops us off in front of Zach's moms large bridal shoppe.

"After you" Zach says while opening the door for me

"Ah being a gentleman I see." I state

He looks at me and smirks before leaning down to whisper in my ear, "nah, I just got a good view of your ass in those jeans. Wear them more often, yeah?" he says and I gasp at his playful but inappropriate behavior, my cheeks slightly reddening.

"Zach, Peyton! It's so good to see you. I've missed those young, beautiful faces of yours!" Zach's mother, Mara stated.

"Mara, it's great to see you! You look lovely." I say while hugging her, and admiring her pale coral colored suit.

She smiles and thanks me before hugging Zach.

"All right now you too, Jessy and Allison should be here shortly, but go ahead and go to the room in the back and we'll get started." Mara says, professionally but kindly.

Zach grabs my hand, and Im about to pull away when I remember that part if this act is for his mother to believe. I'm going to feel so guilty when this is over. His parents are such lovely people.

Zach leads me to an average sized room, the walls painted a Creme color.

There was a dark brown, velvety sofa, and a few matching chairs. There was also a cherrywood coffee table. In a few empty spaces of the room, I spotted some plants making it seem more like a home than it already was. It was wonderful. And it smelt like cinnamon too.

"So, have you though about a color yet?" Mara asks.

"Nope." Zach says popping the 'p',boredom prominent in his tone.

"Well then, how about you, Peyton?" She asks.

"Well, I had a few colors in mind. Light Violet, Navy blue, light green, or maybe a sheer rose color?"
I said.

Mara smiled and then said, "those are all great choices, do you have a favorite out of the four?"

"Well, I personally favor the navy blue, how about you, Zach?" I ask him.

"I favor the navy blue, as well."

Mara smiles at the two of us and then Says, "well navy blue it is then!"

For the next two hours, we went over the guest list, picked out invitations, and picked out flowers. Soon, Jessy and Ali walked into the shoppe, smiling.

I got up to hug them both, and then they came to sit in the room we were all in.

"Ladies, it's so wonderful to see you!" Mara says politely, then adds, "We were just about to taste some cakes, then we'll be done for the day!"

I noticed Zach's eyes light up.
Boys and their cake.

We tried several different types of cake, they were all divine. We decided on a deep red velvet.

"Well mother, thank you for your time today. We can continue planning in a few weeks." Zach says while briefly hugging her.

"Thank you so, so much! Im so glad that you're helping us with planning. I know it's going to be wonderful." I say beaming.

Mara smiles kindly at me. I quickly hug, and say goodby to Jessy and Allison before following Zach out the doors.

We're standing on the sidewalk, waiting for a taxi when Zach suddenly grabs my waist, briefly and quietly whispers "their watching", then, he gently places his lips on mine, in a slow, sweet, warm kiss.

His kisses always send tingles throughout my whole body. They're that effective.

Seconds later, a taxi pulls up and we hop in, telling him our address.

We sit in a silent comfort for a while before Zach leans over and says, "told you the cake was good."




first, sorry with the short, crappy chapter, I've been super busy with school and work.

Second, My next chapter will be better than this

Third, there are probably only Like five or six chapters left

Fourth, after this I kind of want to write a ware wolf story. It would be a romance/ teen fic. though and it wouldn't be like twilight idek

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Also, I've had a few hundred reads, but I only have one follower, motivate me to write, eh?

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I love y'all so much.

This chapter was not edited.

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