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"Attention. Please buckle your seat-belts, and turn off all electronics. We will be taking off in two minutes" I listen closely to Zach's pilots orders.

This is it, I thought to myself. Home to see dad. I had already called my dad, and told him that I was going to be in town and that I had big news. He actually seemed pretty excited that I was coming. Though I haven't seen my father in a while, I do at Least call him once a month. I've missed calling him for these past few months though.

I sigh lowly when the plane starts moving. Take off was my least favorite part. Zach noticed my uncomfortableness, and rest his hand over mine. "Hey, it's gonna be okay." he said soothingly." I smile lightly, and he plants a chaste kiss on my lips.

The rest of the flight went by smoothly. I was glad that New York wasn't extremely far from Chicago.

"Buckle up, and remain seated. We will be landing in a few moments." The pilot said over the speaker.

Once again, Zach rests his hand over mine, in attempt to calm my nerves.

"You excited to be back in Chicago?" He asks.

I laugh lightly. "Kind of. I haven't been here since I was 17" I stated, remembering life before New York.

Landing, thankfully, went by smoothly, and I smiled. There was much to be smiling about though.

1. I wasn't thousands of feet up in the air anymore.

2.I'm back in Chicago, and the pizza here is really good

3. My fiancé looked insanely adorable and tired.

And 4., I'm gonna tell my dad that Im engaged.

Okay, So the fourth one wasn't actually a reason for my smile. So what? My dad broke my heart when he broke my mothers heart. But hey, I'm happy, and that's all that matters right now.

"Ready to go?" Zach asked me, interrupting me from my thoughts. I smile, and nod.

We head outside, and find a black car waiting for us. Zach briefly shakes the drivers hand and gives him details in where he's taking us, then the driver puts our luggage in the trunk, and we get In.

"So I was thinking, we should go to the hotel and get some rest, and go see your father tomorrow. Is that okay?" he asked and I nod yes.

We were supposed to Leave this morning, but there was a delay due to weather so we had to leave later than usual, and it was already nine p.m.
Sure, nine p.m isn't that late, but it's probably not the best time to show up to your dads house, especially considering that I hadn't seen him in four years. That was the second and last time he visited me in New York,4years ago, the last time I saw him.

A few minutes later, we pull into the parking lot of a large, lit up hotel.

"Your bags, ma'am?" a bell hop asked me.

I smile, and politely oblige. Zach checks us in, and we head to the nicest suite in the building.

"Zach, you know I would be fine in a moderate room, right?" I asked him.

He looks down at me and smiles. "Yes, but I want the best for my lady."

I smile up at him adoringly. He unlocks the door, and I'm greeted by what seems to be a stripper, in a skimpy maid uniform.

"You Zach Anderson?" She asked with a thick northern accent.

"Yes... Wait..Who the hell are you?" he asked confused. Then he added, "and how did you get in here?"

She shrugs and says, "I was sent by your friend, Chris Malone. He said you guys needed a steamier relationship."

"Well, how the hell were you gonna make our relationship steamier?" I asked in disbelief.

"I don't know. Im just here to strip." she stated. I felt amused, and a little mad at Chris, but I was too amused to show any anger.

"Well don't waste your time. The only person that I want to see strip is Her." Zach says pointing to me, as I blush.

"No can do. I've gotta get paid, and he said he'll only pay me if I do it."she said. With that, she started taking off her maid costume. She doesn't do a dance, or any seductive moves or anything. She just takes off her costume like any normal person would before taking a shower. When she gets down to her undergarments, she slips her dress on, and leaves.

When she's gone, Zach is just standing there, with the signature 'what the hell just happened' expression on his face.

And I,my friend, I was laughing my ass off. That was the strangest thing that's probably ever happened to me

"Damn, that was funny." I stated after sobering up from laughter.

"Yeah, worst stripper ever." Zach stated.

"Tell me about it. I bet I could do better than that." I stated.

"Wanna find out?" he asked smirking and walking towards me. I blush and then a glorious idea comes to mind.

"No,but I do wanna to something." I say slowly while tracing his biceps.

"Anything for you,baby." he stated.

"Anything?" I asked hopefully and he nodded in approval.

"Well all this stripping has gotten me in a mood. So I think it's time." I stated.

He looks at me confused and them askes, "time for what?"

I smirk and lean up to him."Time to watch Magic Mike together." I stated.

He looks at me blankly.

"Why watch Magic mike when the sexiest man alive is standing a foot away from you?" he asks cockily.

"Whatever." I say laughing.
"Lets go to bed. I'm hella tired and I think I need a good nights rest before confronting my father."

"Agreed." he says while passing me some of his clothes to sleep in. I love sleeping in his clothes.

I go to the bathroom and change into a pair of his black briefs that fit very snugly agains my wide hips. I then slip on one of his tee shirts, and head back into the bedroom where I find him already lying in bed, with his Elbows behind him for support.

I walk over to him, and jump into bed, snuggling close to him.

"It's all gonna be okay. I'm sure your dad will be fine with this." He said, comfortingly kissing my head.

I nod stiffly and go into a dreamless sleep.


This chapter was short and suckish so I'm sorry. I've been on vacation in Maryland visiting family so sorry for the late update. There are only two more chapters! keep reading!




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