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The next week goes by similar to the last, Zach works all day, comes home late, and then wakes up super duper early the next morning to get ready for work.

It's 4:15 am on a Monday morning, and I'm already up, dressed in a dark purple business woman like dress, along with a black cardigan. My feet are clad in black flats, my hair is in a professional, but cute ponytale, and my makeup is on point. I've already cooked breakfast, which consists of toast, bacon, eggs, and orange juice. Zach will be up any minute, and I'm going to force him to eat.

Just around 4:18, sure enough I hear the soft padding of Zach's feet across the floor, he's up. I walk Into the room to a relieved looking Zach.

"Oh god" he says as he walked toward me."you weren't here when I woke up, and I didn't know where you could be." he continued.

"Oh, sorry for the scare." I said bashfully.

"Wait, why are you up so early? And dressed?"

I smirked widely before grabbing his hand, and leading him to the kitchen. I pushed him into a seat and pushed a plate of food toward him.

"Eat." I say
"I'm already running behind schedule." he responds.
"I don't care. Eat." I respond.
"Sorry, don't have time." he says while getting up.

"Zachary Alexander, sit your ass down and eat the precious food that I've provided for you. You can't work for 15 hours a day without breakfast, your gonna die or something, gosh, Eat the food." I say, frazzled.

Zach looks at me for for a moment, and then his lips curve upward.
"Goddamn." is all he says before he starts eating the food that I slaved 15 minutes over.

Soon Zach is ready for work. He's telling me bye, when I tell him that I'm going with him.

"Why do you want to go to work with me?" he asks confused.

"Because, I'm your fiancé. Your supposed to love your fiancé with all your heart, and want to spend every waking moment with them. This doesn't even look real to me."

"Yeah, ok, fine lets go." he says, and we walk out the door.


4 hours later

If Zach ever offers to take you to work with him, which by the way is highly unlikely, don't go.

I've been sitting on a Sofa in his office for four hours. I was playing candy crush for the first two hours, but then my phone died and I didn't have my charger. Fml.

For the second half of the four hours that I've been here, I've been watching Zach write, read, type, make phone calls, and breath. Fun.

After four hours of being here, Zach looks up at me, and speaks for the first time, "wanna meet Chris?"

"Sure" I responded.

"Wait, who the hell is chris?" I added.

"That would be me." a deep voice responds, I turn around, and i'm greeted with the sight of an attractive young man, almost as attravtive as zach, with a pair of chocolate eyes, and a dark blond quiff hairstyle. I was quite embarrassed that 'Chris' heard my comment.

"Peyton, this is Chris Malone. Im sure you've heard of him. Chris, this is Peyton west, my fiancé."

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you." he says smoothly.

"Oh and same to you." I respond, getting up to shake his hand.

He grips my hand firmly shaking, and then releases it. When I try to go sit down, He pulls my hand so that I go toward him. He then gracefully pulls my hand up to his mouth, kissing it like they did In the olden days.

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