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"Zach! We need to discuss a few things!" I called out to my sleeping fiancé.

No, he wasn't sick anymore, he had been well for two weeks now. He was just sleeping because I forced him to rest after finding out that he worked so much yesterday that he only slept for three hours last night.

"Ugh not now." he groaned.

"You told me to wake you up at three p.m. It's three p.m" I state.

"Shit!" he exclaims while quickly pushing the covers off of him. I blush at his appearance. Tight black boxer briefs, and tousled hair.

He quickly pulls on his clothes, and runs his hands through his hair.

"Why are you in such a rush?" I asked.

"I have a meeting in an hour." he stated, frazzled.

"Oh, you'll be fine." I soothe.

"I hope so, anyway, it's about purchasing another company. I'm just slightly nervous about how it's gonna go." he stated honestly.

I step close to him and wrap my arms around his waist.
"You're very intelligent, Zach." I say smoothly. I then trail my hand down his side and add "and persuasive.".

He looks at me lightly smirking. "You're so cute." he says before kissing my nose.

I scoff. "I was trying to be sexy, not cute."

He then places a kiss on my lips. "don't worry, babe. You don't have to try to be sexy."

I smile lightly, and then remember my motives on why I had to wake him up.

"So, yeah we need to talk." I said seriously.

"About?" he questions.

"My dad." I said slowly and quietly.

I haven't talked about my dad for years now, and Zach had never asked.

"Okay, shoot." he says. Then he places a kiss on my knuckles and looks into my eyes encouraging me to continue.

"Well, I haven't talked to him in a while, but I feel like he should be at the wedding. I mean I know we aren't close, but with my mom gone and everything, I guess it would make it feel more special."

"Sounds like a plan. How can we contact him?" He asks.

I bite my lower lip, and look down nervously.
"In Chicago. Where I was born." I stated nervously.

"Okay cool. We can head down to Chicago Tomorrow morning." Zach says simply and my jaw drops.

"That's all. Youre not gonna bombard me with questions. Youre just gonna drop everything and go to Chicago with me?" I ask.

He smiles down at me. "I would do anything to make you happy. I would drop everything, everyday for you. I love you, and if this makes you happy, then it makes me happy."

"Oh god, I love you." I say before slamming my lips down on his. I take control of the kiss, parting his lips with my tongue. We carry on in a steamy make out session, before Zach comes up from kissing me.

"Baby I would kiss you all day, and I intend to do just that very soon, but my meeting is in twenty five minutes. If I don't get going now, i'll be late."

I blush and smile.

"Alright. I love you. Good luck with your meeting!" I state. He smiles at me returning the 'I love you.' And heads out.

I head into my room and decide to start packing. That's when I remember a friend that I've not seen in a while. Zoë, my stylist.

I quickly dial her number and she answers the phone cheerily.

"Peyton! I've missed you. How are you?" she asks

I laugh lightly.

"I'm good, I'm good. I feel bad for not calling you in a while."

He laughs and responds, "no problem. What's up?"

"Zach and I are heading over to Chicago tomorrow. Care to help me pack for the trip?" I asked hopefully.

"I would love to. I'll be there in half an hour. See ya!" she says happily before hanging up.

I play candy crush while I wait for her. Typical. It's addicting.

I scurry up from the couch when I hear the doorbell ring.

As soon as I open the door, Zoë throws her small frame at me, giving me a strong hug.

"Ah, I've missed you, bae."
I laugh lightly at her choice of words. 'Bae'.

"I've missed you too Zoë. I hope the outfits that I've put together and worn in public weren't too dreadful."

She laughs, and we head to my closet.

"How long are you gonna be there?" she asks

"Yeah, I don't know." I state.

"We'll just pack enough for a week then?" she asks and I nod.

"So, what's bringing you to Chicago?" she asks.

"Well, my dad lives their. I haven't talked to him since last year. We were never close after he cheated on and divorced my mom." I state.

"Oh." she says.

"But, I haven't been to Chicago in a while, so I'm excited to go."
I said lightening the mood.

Well, I sure hope this visit goes well.


This chapter probably sucked and I'm sorry. I've been sick so yeah. This was kind of just a short filler chapter. Sorry for the short, shitty chapter though.

I'm gonna try to step up my writing game, it's just gonna take longer to update because I have no idea about what's gonna happen in Chicago.


have a nice day.

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